Comfortable and Furious

Search results for: “feed”

  • Starring debuts #16: Aaron Eckhart in In the Company of Men (1997)

    Starring debuts #16: Aaron Eckhart in In the Company of Men (1997)

    Perhaps the key scene in Neil LaBute’s caustic debut is the one in which business exec Chad (Eckhart) gets a junior colleague to expose himself. It’s during this brief humiliation that we grasp Company’s true interest: the increasingly unpleasant methods Chad will use to clamber over other men in the workplace. A fair chunk of…

  • Are Online Casino Reviews Worth Your Trust?

    Are Online Casino Reviews Worth Your Trust?

    According to Statista, the global online gambling market is currently worth around $59 billion and is expected to be worth more than $92 billion by 2023. So, the industry is growing quickly. A large chunk of that market comprises online casinos. With more and more countries relaxing online gambling laws and more and more people…

  • The Natives Are Getting Restless

    The Natives Are Getting Restless

    Man has long excelled at picking on animals and fucking up the environment, a dismal trait I’m fine with as long as it generates good eco-horror movies. This sub-genre is staggeringly rich and diverse, tackling everything from sentient frogs and mutant sea creatures to walking plants and extraterrestrial viruses that powderize your blood. It has…

  • Reacher (2022)

    Reacher (2022)

    Reacher is an action series available from Prime Video and is based on books by Lee Child. I watched and am reviewing the first 8 episodes of Season One, which aired on Prime Video Feb. 04 2022. Reacher stars a bulked up, jacked up and totally bad-assed Alan Richtson. He is huge. Bigger than Dolph…

  • Deep Water

    Deep Water

    “Deep Water” – That’s definitely not a candy bar floating in the pool. One of the first things they teach students in screenwriting class is to write a sympathetic protagonist so the audience has someone to root for. Apparently, the writers of Deep Water – Zach Helm and Sam Levinson – missed that week of…

  • Shaun of the Dead

    Shaun of the Dead

    I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to make a bad zombie movie.

  • The Yes Men

    The Yes Men

    The Yes Men is not so much a great documentary as a great idea.

  • House of Gucci

    House of Gucci

    If one were to pen a tale championing the proper way to end a relationship, and forge toward greener pastures, House of Gucci puts forth an exemplary illustration of what calamities to avoid. That is, were it not for the combination of a biopic-period piece serving as the conceit for achieving so. What else can…

  • The Best Website to Sell CS:GO Skins

    The Best Website to Sell CS:GO Skins

    CS:GO is more than a hit game. It is a massive virtual economy. While skins are often an afterthought to investors, some of them cost thousands of dollars! But you can often reap a hefty profit by selling rare in-game assets online. Although the Steam community is enormous, it does not support withdrawals. Members can…

  • My Year in Movies – 2021 Edition – Second. Worst. Year. Ever.

    My Year in Movies – 2021 Edition – Second. Worst. Year. Ever.

    Well, we made it through another year. I think. It’s hard to tell. 2021 sure felt a lot like 2020. Maybe not quite the rotten asshole of a year that was 2020, but a lot of people sure tried hard to make it as bad. The Covid pandemic has now entered the fourth major infection…