Search results for: “feed”
The Deaths of Death Wish 3
Every death from the greatest movie ever.
The Wolf of Wall Street
When hiring a midget for your office party, please, for chrissakes, hire the one willing to show his cock.
The Not Quite #6: The King of Comedy (1982)
Scorsese’s cinematic partnership with De Niro is among the most legendary of the twentieth century, hemorrhaging up blood-soaked classics like Taxi Driver and Goodfellas. It wasn’t all plain slaying, though. Just take a look at the headache-inducing musical New York, New York in which De Niro argues nonstop with Liza Minnelli. Then there’s the redundant,…
The Teacher Typos: Part One
We’ve all had teachers. And I don’t mean in the sexual sense. Good, bad, boring, angry and spaced out, teachers tend to stick in the mind. I remember one guy in junior school who routinely flew off the handle, leaving me scared to attend class. He once reduced me to tears by shouting in my…
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
As we enter the homestretch of 2022, the never-ending debate over good sequels vs. bad sequels vs. Hollywood-has-no-creativity gets a new entry – Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. I don’t know how people from that third group keep getting into this debate, but we really need to change the locks. With those cranks out…
Lyon Assets Review: Investing Made Easy for Beginners
Most of today’s online trading brokers impart services to users, thinking that their services are one-size-fits-all. However, that isn’t possible as each trader is on a different step in their trading journey. Lyon Assets understands this issue and offers various services that could benefit all traders, from amateur to sophisticated. Lyon Assets is a reliable…
The Gleeful Slaughter of Children
Being an ex-teacher, I naturally hate kids. For almost four years I had to endure their relentless energy, selfishness, demands, spite and mediocrity, leaving me with the impression that the average child shares a lot in common with a small, intoxicated, unruly visitor from outer space. Think of a half-cut E.T. kicking your shins and…
Don’t Worry Darling
“Don’t Worry Darling” – Is dinner ready yet? Don’t Worry Darling is exactly the kind of movie that drove me to writing movie reviews. It’s a movie that is decent to watch the first time, but whose story immediately crumbles to dust upon even the slightest bit of scrutiny. It continues to astound and confound…
Miami Connection
Tagline: Survival the ultimate test… (This is the only one I could find, and it means fuck all in the context of the movie) Entire Story in Fewer Words Than Are in This Sentence: Karate kids KO cocaine cowboys. Homoeroticism: The boys of Dragon Sound, the Taekwondo team / 80s pop band that serves as…
Pearl (2022)
“Pearl” – Houston, we have a problem. When I walked out of the theater after watching Pearl, my initial response to “what did you think?” was “I was bored.” What I couldn’t articulate at the time was why I found the film boring. On the drive home, my thoughts kept circling around the fact that…