Comfortable and Furious

A Presidential Election CAT-Astrophe

From the Editorial Desk of Ruthless Reviews

Here at Ruthless, we are fortunate to have an international audience of dedicated fans. This November, most eyes on this planet Earth will be on the most important U.S. Presidential election in history. The choice will never be more clear for U.S. voters. The suspense is over, the delegates have spoken, and the candidates and Vice-President picks have been made. 

To cover all the issues and nuances of this campaign would be beyond the scope of this editorial rant. To sum things up on the issues, this poster is sufficient. 

This editorial will concentrate on just one issue, and it is an important one….Cats. First let me say that we are all familiar with sick as Hell of Donald Trump. Our former Idiot-In-Chief is a serial liar, traitor, convicted felon, and groper of women. We are never surprised at what that rotting sponge, masquerading as his brain will generate to be spewed from his mouth or typed into Truth Social. 

Now, Donald Trump, with his infinite stupidity and hubris, instead of picking a mainstream conservative that could actually help his campaign in swing States, picked a beady-eyed creep known as J.D. Vance for his running mate. 

In a previous interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Vance made a derogatory comment that is now infamous. He stated that the country was run by “Miserable, childless cat-ladies” and included Kamala Harris in his insult. Needless to say, this alienated and outraged half the registered voters in this nation. Instead of trying to distance himself from his hateful comments, Vance, of course, doubled-down on his stupidity. Normally, VP picks do not significantly impact Presidential outcomes, but Trump’s CATastrophic mistake could cost him the election and save our democracy. 

Sometimes in life, you make mistakes, but can recover or learn from them. This mistake is not recoverable. No strategy will repair the damage to a creep that insulted women, single women, women without children, and most importantly….Cats.

If the internet has taught us anything, it is that you don’t mess with cats or their owners. They will not forgive, they will not forget…Ever. There is no exit ramp for Vance. He has dug in, which is a big mistake. He could try to walk it back, but everyone would recognize that as being beyond insincere.

He could just keep his mouth shut, but both he and Trump do not have that capability.

Therefore, we have the gift that keeps on giving. We have the possibility that makes cat owners giddy. The reality that CATS may be the penultimate saviors of the democracy of The United States. After this is done, the cats will go back to their lives, no longer interested in a vanquished foe who was not even a challenge. Make it happen…for the cats. 

VOTE BLUE in November..






5 responses to “A Presidential Election CAT-Astrophe”

  1. The Crazy Dutchman Avatar
    The Crazy Dutchman

    Some French philosopher-dude once said that every country gets the government it deserves… 

    I wish you all the best of luck.


    1. Goat Avatar

      Even in our present state, we still deserve much better than Trump and Vance. Things are looking a lot better now.

  2. JOHN WELSH Avatar

    “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”

    ― M. Thomas Jefferson

    As for the recovering hillbilly Mr Vance, I am sure you join me in the wish he’d remained in Dog Patch and followed the usual profession of his social class, distilling moonshine, or hijacking truckloads of cigarettes.
    “I tawt I taw a puddy tat!”

  3. John Welsh Avatar
    John Welsh

    “Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks—no form of government can render us secure.”
    James Madison

  4. randygoat Avatar

    It’s a shame that presidential elections have been reduced to high school-level popularity contests. For an honest evaluation of how they would govern, we can look at their records. Both Trump and Harris have spent 4 years in the executive branch, and Harris longer than 4 in the legislature including as president of the Senate. We can look at their official acts and gauge how much better off or worse the country has fared under their leadership. Not quite as juicy as ad hominum attacks but what do we love more; our children and grandchildren or our desire to impugn and destroy the “opposition”?

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