TOP 10

40 Years of Death Wish 3: A Celebration
The Summer of 1985. While I was spending six weeks in Indiana with my maniacal grandmother, learning that yes, a 12-year-old…

Come On, Billy Wilder
C’mon Billy, Come to me, You know I’m waiting, I love you endlessly, C’mon Billy, You’re the only one… These mania-infused…

Great Cocksmen of the American Presidency (Who Are Not Bill Clinton)
Finally, a list without Jimmy Carter.

A Few Ruthless Movie Villains
Here are A Few Ruthless Movie Villains. Villains have been part of movies since their inception. We love them, we love…
Top 10 Movie/TV Quotes Worth Living By
Read more: Top 10 Movie/TV Quotes Worth Living ByTake a seat. Wait your turn. Tell the nice lady thank you. Don’t drink and drive. Wear pants. We’ve built ourselves into a prison of written and unwritten rules.
The Metric System Is Stupid
Read more: The Metric System Is StupidThe metric system is, of course, based on measuring everything using the circumference of the earth. Why? Well, we do live on planet earth. But other than that it is… guess what? Arbitrary as shit!
The ABC’s of BBQ: Smoking the Meat Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of BBQ: Smoking the Meat EditionSalivations 1:1 Verily,verily I say unto thee, an open flame shall not touch thy cooking flesh or thine days will be numbered before you are cast into the lake of ire. Goatesians 1:2-4 The only way to the BBQ is with the meat. It is blasphemous and very naughty in my wholly site for thou…
The ABC’s of Traveling -The Joys of Flying Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of Traveling -The Joys of Flying EditionAtlanta – Everyone has heard the old adage, “Even if you are traveling to Hell, you have to go through Atlanta first”. If you are flying in the Eastern part of The United States, this is an accurate assessment. Worse still is if you ever have to actually drive in Atlanta. Below is a picture…
The Gentlemen
Read more: The GentlemenTravel well indeed. Guy Ritchie needed a win. After the success of his two Sherlock Holmes films in 2009 and 2011, people largely ignored the very good The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015), King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) was an unmitigated disaster, and the Aladdin remake (2019) was a pile of shit that was…
Magnificent Obsession
Read more: Magnificent ObsessionDouglas Sirk’s Magnificent Obsession is sheer, bold ridiculousness in eye-popping Technicolor…
Portrait Of A Lady On Fire
Read more: Portrait Of A Lady On FirePortrait of a Lady on Fire is a French film written and directed by Celine Scaimma. If ever a movie exhibits the concept of every frame being a painting, this is the one. After seeing Call Me By Your Name, I never thought that I would see a love story as touching and mesmerizing, but…
Troop Zero
Read more: Troop ZeroA tale of two movies. Sitting next to each other, in the same theater on the same night, my wife and I saw two entirely different movies. I saw a heartwarming movie with adorable, courageous kids, a solid story, and a tight running time that kept the film from meandering. My wife saw a jumbled,…
Bad Boys for Life
Read more: Bad Boys for LifeSo this is what death throes look like. When I was a sophomore in high school, I was a little too talkative one day during math class. My teacher told me stay after the bell rung, and, once everyone else had left the room, told me I could not leave until I acted like a…
Read more: DolittleDo you smell something? It seems almost unfair to write about Dolittle. Why on Earth would a movie with a $175 million budget and starring Robert Downey Jr. be opening in the armpit of the Hollywood calendar known as January? All the kids are back in school, almost everyone blew all of their spending money…
Dark Waters
Read more: Dark WatersThe French born Chemist E. I. du Pont arrived in the United States on January 1st 1800, a symbolic date for several reasons. (Aaron Burr came within a hair’s breadth of becoming president in the election of that year). In 1802 he established a factory in Wilmington Delaware to manufacture gun powder, using the improved formula of…
Ford v. Ferrari: A Final Look
Read more: Ford v. Ferrari: A Final LookThe first thing you notice about Ford v Ferrari is the sound, even before the first frame of picture. The telltale sound of motor racing. Cars speeding by. The Doppler effect, changes of perspective, gears changing, the sound of breaks, wheels on the track. The crowds. Sounds there throughout the racing scenes. Sound that puts…
Read more: UnderwaterSeven miles shallow. As I crawl out from underneath a mountain of award-hopeful movies, a look forward at upcoming releases in January reminds me that twenty-five indie/documentary/foreign films in a row isn’t as long as it seems. Bad Boys 3? Gretel & Hansel? Like a Boss? Dolittle? DOLITTLE? Why is Dolittle, a $175 million movie…
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Ruthless Reviews is an international website that has been around for over 2 decades. Our primary focus is not only current movies and their reviews, but more importantly, the analysis of Classical masterpieces and our favorites, like 80’s Action movies and their heroes.
We also like our Top 10 lists and the love and disdain for Black Metal Music.
Ruthless Reviews has the largest collection of Christmas Movie Reviews on the Internet, as well as Rants galore, and the ABC’s of just about everything. We are Comfortable, but Furious, if you know what I mean.
Our writers include attorneys, doctors, professional gamblers, one stand-up comedian, professional writers, Hollywood film pros, and ex-cons. Don’t judge us, and we won’t judge you.
So, thanks for stopping by, enjoy and you are always welcome to contact us.

The Ruthless Guide to 80s Action Movies: Volume 1
by Erich Schulte (Author), Matt Cale (Author), Mike McGowan (Author), John Gautreaux (Author), Devon Pack (Author), Sarah Sarah Rhodes (Author), Shelby Sherman (Author), Michael Behrens (Author), Juan Konstantin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Have the book in any format from Amazon
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