TOP 10

40 Years of Death Wish 3: A Celebration
The Summer of 1985. While I was spending six weeks in Indiana with my maniacal grandmother, learning that yes, a 12-year-old…

C’mon, Billy
C’mon Billy, Come to me, You know I’m waiting, I love you endlessly, C’mon Billy, You’re the only one… These mania-infused…

Great Cocksmen of the American Presidency (Who Are Not Bill Clinton)
Finally, a list without Jimmy Carter.

A Few Ruthless Movie Villains
Here are A Few Ruthless Movie Villains. Villains have been part of movies since their inception. We love them, we love…
Confession Of A Cat Murderer
Read more: Confession Of A Cat MurdererCall the cops or Sarah McLachlan or whomever is in charge of keeping the heads on stray cats; this is happening
L. Ron Mexico’s Guide To Car Sleeping
Read more: L. Ron Mexico’s Guide To Car SleepingDesignated drivers are like sexy models who eat chicken wings and hang out with fat guys: they only exist in beer commercials.
The ABC’s of Sales
Read more: The ABC’s of SalesFear-Fear is the very essence of sales. Everyone is afraid of someone and those individuals are also afraid of someone else.
The ABC’s Of The New Testament-Part 2: Analyzing Jesus Edition
Read more: The ABC’s Of The New Testament-Part 2: Analyzing Jesus EditionMost Christians and many non-Christians have a perception of Jesus as a pacifist, a bringer of hope, and a teacher of humility. He was a healer and preached to help the poor and to love your neighbor. However, what do the verses in the New Testament actually reveal about this Jesus character?
Wicked: Part One (2024)
Read more: Wicked: Part One (2024)I’m not a big fan of origin stories featuring villains. They always start out with the villain being good and, later, either being misunderstood – as Maleficent is in Maleficent, or completely unconvincing in their turn towards evil
Assholes of the Cinema: Irene Dailey, Five Easy Pieces
Read more: Assholes of the Cinema: Irene Dailey, Five Easy PiecesDuring her brief few minutes on camera, Irene Dailey’s Samia Glavia inhabits the role of the archetypal intellectual with such perfection, we’re tempted to retire the type for all time
Come And See (1985)
Read more: Come And See (1985)World War 2 was a horrific event. The figures are not exact, but reliable estimates put the total civilian and military dead at around 60 million people. The total dead in World War 1 was between 15-22 million people. Yes, it can easily be seen that war sucks and is bad for your health, especially…
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Read more: A Charlie Brown ThanksgivingThe review I wrote years ago about A Charlie Brown Christmas received a lot of hate mail. Hate mail that was well-received, as we love it.
Red One (2024)
Read more: Red One (2024)Do you know what I expect out of a Dwayne Johnson led film? Very little. Do you know what I expect out of a Dwayne Johnson performance? Punching and scowling.
Movie: 1612 (Khroniki Smutnogo Vremeni)
Read more: Movie: 1612 (Khroniki Smutnogo Vremeni)This was one fucked up movie. The Time of Troubles lasted from 1598 to 1613 between the death of Tsar Feodor and the establishment of the Romanov dynasty
I, Spartacus (2024)
Read more: I, Spartacus (2024)A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
The Art of Darkness: Apocalypse Now & Full Metal Jacket
Read more: The Art of Darkness: Apocalypse Now & Full Metal Jacket“War is hell,” the cliche’ proclaims, but it seems to be entertaining hell. Along with other ghastly subjects such as murder and vampirism, war ranks among the most popular and commonly used subject matter of filmed entertainment.
The Unsung: Flo Harrigan, The Happy Ending (1969)
Read more: The Unsung: Flo Harrigan, The Happy Ending (1969)In a film filled to the brim with unhappiness, addiction, chronic dissatisfaction, and fits of despair, she is the lone vision of loveliness. Where there is pain, she is the cure.
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Ruthless Reviews is an international website that has been around for over 2 decades. Our primary focus is not only current movies and their reviews, but more importantly, the analysis of Classical masterpieces and our favorites, like 80’s Action movies and their heroes.
We also like our Top 10 lists and the love and disdain for Black Metal Music.
Ruthless Reviews has the largest collection of Christmas Movie Reviews on the Internet, as well as Rants galore, and the ABC’s of just about everything. We are Comfortable, but Furious, if you know what I mean.
Our writers include attorneys, doctors, professional gamblers, one stand-up comedian, professional writers, Hollywood film pros, and ex-cons. Don’t judge us, and we won’t judge you.
So, thanks for stopping by, enjoy and you are always welcome to contact us.

The Ruthless Guide to 80s Action Movies: Volume 1
by Erich Schulte (Author), Matt Cale (Author), Mike McGowan (Author), John Gautreaux (Author), Devon Pack (Author), Sarah Sarah Rhodes (Author), Shelby Sherman (Author), Michael Behrens (Author), Juan Konstantin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Have the book in any format from Amazon
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