Comfortable and Furious

Shredded (2024)

Shredded is a low-budget Indie movie that is directed by Adam Michael, who also teamed with Makayla McIntosh in writing the script for this film. Makayla also stars in the movie as Riley along with her co-star, Anthony Dain as Logan.  

The term “shredded” is a surfing term, a term that means a wave that is ridden aggressively, and to its fullest. However, this film is about two human beings who have been shredded by unrelated medical catastrophes that have devastated their lives. Let me get this straight, there is no sex or nudity in this movie, but it could possibly be crudely characterized as “misery porn” for the unappreciative eyes. 

Through brief but revealing flashbacks, we see that Riley was once a beautiful blonde dancer. We also see fleeting flashbacks of a horrifically bloody accident, but are not revealed details until later. Parenthetically, it is also revealed that Logan had suffered some medical trauma and surgery, that has left him weak and in debilitating pain. They also have the following in common.

Both Riley and Logan have withdrawn from most emotional engagement with others. Riley has shaved her head, gone sans makeup, and wore frumpy and baggy clothes. She intentionally sabotages any attempt at anything more than casual and necessary interaction with anyone or anything. Logan has totally walled off himself from his past, his family and refuses to face even calls from his surgeon. He just does not want to know. 

Being residents in the same building and common members of a surfing class, Riley and Logan acknowledge each other, but Riley is not interested in any sort of a relationship with another human. They eventually reach an uneasy “truce”, talking to each other, with Logan trying to lead the way. Riley is an unwilling participant, and any attempt by Logan to get her to open up is met with a sometimes snarling and vicious defensive wall. 

Shredded is an excellent Indie movie with superior acting. It is amazing what was accomplished on such a tiny budget. Adam Michael did a superb job of pacing and revealing the layers of pain, destroyed self-esteem and anguish of Logan and Riley. Both stars did a fantastic job of engaging the viewer, without pretense, and with genuine emotional involvement. 

Like most Indie films, Shredded is heavy on dialogue and character development. The editing, camera work and pacing are all excellent. I love these films as the creators and participants are not doing this art for immediate gratification of riches, but for their love of their craft. The acting of Makayla McIntosh and Anthony Dain was superior, and to be commended.

I highly recommend this full-length movie for all lovers of cinema.

7.5/10.0 With the Goatesians rating of an Excellent Indie Film







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