Movie: Moon
The entire movie is one long memorable scene. Moon is a movie starring Sam Rockwell and no one else save Kevin Spacey, who is the voice of the robot Gerty. This movie is a low budget movie (5 million dollars), but it is one of the best sci-fi space movies ever created. Any attempt to explain the plot would reveal major spoilers, and you really have to put on your thinking cap and pay attention to fully appreciate this movie.
There are no fights, explosions, or any of the usual sci-fi movie fare. This movie is about loneliness, despair and the haunting reality of the painstaking reveal of what is really happening on this Moon mining station that is manned by only one person. Or is it? Sam Rockwell is his always amazing self and I cannot recommend this movie more for movie lovers who like to exercise their brains. It is a fascinating and quite unique drama that I give a 10.0/10.0 for excellence and uniqueness.
Fun Fact: The movie is directed by Duncan Jones, who is the son of David Bowie.
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