There are 2,291 entries in Movies

“Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.”
Truth or Dare (2018)
Read more: Truth or Dare (2018)Truth or Dare (2018) O.K., I’ve about had it with Horror Movies. Sure, A Quiet Place was magnificent, but it was not really a horror movie, only a hybrid. Truth or Dare is a group parlor or drinking game that is supposed to be embarrassing, but funny. You have to tell the truth, no matter…
Avengers: Infinity War
Read more: Avengers: Infinity WarWinter is here. Ten years people. We have been waiting ten years for Avengers: Infinity War and it is finally here. Eighteen movies and three television series later and it is finally here. Okay, so not many people watch all three TV series. I forgot Inhumans was even a thing (just eight episodes), Agent Carter…
Batman Ninja (2018)
Read more: Batman Ninja (2018)Batman Ninja (2018) Right. Even with the lowest of expectations, this film could not possibly appeal to even the most masturbation-induced brain damaged victims of whatever DC anime cult still exists. This attempt at a movie was so childish and horribly written and displayed that I don’t know who else it could possibly appeal to.…
Children of Men (2006)
Read more: Children of Men (2006)Children of Men (2006) Cuaron’s Children of Men is one of the few post-apocalyptic nightmares I can believe in. Its dystopian vision of a future world not so far away (its events are set in 2027) rings true from start to finish, and its unrelenting bleakness never reeks of hyperbolic fantasy. This is not a…
Read more: RampageKeep it simple, stupid. If you were to make a list of video games you would most like to see adapted into movies, I am guessing that list would include exactly zero classic arcade games. I have never expressed a desire to see a Galaga or Centipede movie on the silver screen nor have I…
A Quiet Place
Read more: A Quiet PlaceA Quiet Place I just reviewed another horror movie, Winchester earlier this week. It was dreadful. This week’s movie was a horror/thriller orchestrated by John Krasinski, who also played a lead role alongside his real-world wife Emily Blunt. Like I stated in another review, horror is not my movie genre of choice. If Get Out…
The Ritual (2017)
Read more: The Ritual (2017)The Ritual (2017) I only get to watch horror movies by myself. This isn’t out of choice. It’s just that my girlfriend wants nothing to do with anything more terrifying than The Emperor’s New Groove. And in this day and age, you can’t casually phone a pal and ask them round to watch a horror…
Winchester (2018)
Read more: Winchester (2018)Winchester (2018) is a movie that was based on the true story of the heiress to the enormous fortune of the Winchester Rifle Company. The great Helen Mirren plays Sarah Winchester who lived in an ever-expanding creepy mansion that she was convinced was haunted by the ghosts of the humans retired by her dead husband’s…
Ready Player One
Read more: Ready Player OneWhew! If you are not a fan of CGI and think that CGI is ruining film, Ready Player One might kill you. At the very least, it will give you an aneurism or a stroke. Possibly both. If so, you deserve it. I am not quite ready to devote my year-end review to all of…
Dear Dictator
Read more: Dear DictatorTatiania Mills (Odeya Rush) will dislodge and eat ABC (Already Been Chewed) gum from beneath the water fountain to taunt and gross out her adversaries at school. Sir Michael Caine again does the equivalent to his career by starring in this mindless atrocity. Michael Caine plays a deposed British Caribbean Republic dictator who comes the…
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Ruthless Reviews is an international website that has been around for over 2 decades. Our primary focus is on not only current movies and their reviews, but more importantly, the analysis of Classical masterpieces and our favorites, like 80’s Action movies and their heroes.
We also love our Top 10 lists and the love and disdain for Black Metal Music.
Ruthless Reviews has the largest collection of Christmas Movie Reviews on the Internet, as well as Rants galore, and the ABC’s of just about everything. We are Comfortable, but Furious, if you know what I mean.
Our writers include attorneys, doctors, professional gamblers, Hollywood film pros, and ex-cons. Don’t judge us, and we won’t judge you.
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The Ruthless Guide to 80s Action Movies: Volume 1
by Erich Schulte (Author), Matt Cale (Author), Mike McGowan (Author), John Gautreaux (Author), Devon Pack (Author), Sarah Sarah Rhodes (Author), Shelby Sherman (Author), Michael Behrens (Author), Juan Konstantin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
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The Last Hurrah #1: Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (1979)
The Day Of The Jackal (1973)
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Alien vs. Predator
Looper (2012)
65 (2023)
Outcast (2014)
John Wick: Chapter Four
The Beastmaster
Spread Your Legs For Daddy: Part 2
Spread Your Legs For Daddy: Part One
Lost Highway
Incident At Loch Ness
Escape From New York (1981)
Conan The Destroyer
Conan The Barbarian
Bloodsport (1988)
Black Rain
Ezra’s Last Minute Oscar Predictions: 2023
21 Grams
Scream VI
The Passion of the Christ
Super Size Me
Barry Lyndon
Nosferatu: Phantom Der Nacht
Killing Kennedy
Starship Troopers (1997)
The God Who Wasn’t There