Best Romantic Comedies on Netflix – Make Quarantine Comfortable/ Fun
Description: At the beginning of 2020, many people were forced to stay at home, in conditions of self-isolation. Thanks to Netflix’s romantic comedies, quarantine can be made easier and more enjoyable
2020 was an amazing year in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, this is a negative surprise. Because the beginning of the year brought the coronavirus pandemic. Many countries were not ready for this disease and declared a quarantine regime. Thanks to this decision, it will be possible to stop the spread of the disease and defeat the epidemic. The problem is that many people do not know what to do in isolation mode. According to statistics, in some countries, alcohol sales increased, and psychologists say an increase in cases of domestic violence.
However, with the right approach, quarantine can be useful. A pause and rest from work and worries will help you gain new knowledge and skills, begin to meditate, and build relationships with your family. Moreover, modern technology will help you communicate with relatives and friends, as well as enjoy watching movies. For example, Netflix offers a huge number of films for viewers. These paintings will make you think, be sad, and, of course, smile. In this article, we will talk about the best romantic comedies that you can watch with loved ones.

When We First Met
Groundhog Day, About Time … We have seen this set-up many times: a man has failed his chance to make a first impression on a woman and finds a magical way to change it. So Noah (the charming Adam Patrick Devine, whom many remember on the series Workaholics and Modern Family) meets Avery (Alexandra Anna Daddario from Baywatch) on Halloween. The evening is perfect, and, by all the rules of classic rom coms, even too much: the moment of the spark is missed, and Noah is in the friend zone.
All would be nothing – in the end, they only met. But the very next day, Avery meets Ethan, in which he instantly falls in love. Now, three years later, Noah is already sad at a party dedicated to their engagement. Having gone with his best friend to a bar where they met Avery, he gets drunk and crawls into a photo booth in which, together with the main love of his life, three years ago, fooling around and taking photographs. Of course, it turns out to be magical, and Noah returns that very day – the day of acquaintance.
Of course, Noah will not succeed the second time, and the third and fourth, and each time he will jump back now and see the effect of the butterfly in action. This plot with an endless series of ridiculous transformations of the protagonist, the film involuntarily resembles “Bedazzled”.
Despite the mass of negative reviews of the film, it is worth remembering that the genre of romantic comedy, in principle, does not imply high ratings from critics as well as from various aggregators: the best representatives of the genre have a very average rating. When We First Met turns out to be a very charming film with an excellent cast. Also pleasing is the pleasant ending and morality, for the sake of which it is not a pity to spend an hour and a half of your time. So, the picture copes with the role perfectly – to raise your mood and make you smile.
Happy Anniversary
I am unhappy. Perhaps no one would like to hear these words from their partner, especially on the day of the anniversary of their union. With these words, Molly (Noel Wells from the first season of Master of None) begins rethinking all three years of their relationship with Sam (Ben Schwartz – Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Recreation). They are faced with the classic dilemma of seemingly happy people who seem to be doing well, but they want to know – what next? Is this the same relationship? If so, will they regret missed opportunities? If not, then why should they leave, if everything is good at first glance?
There will be favorite flashbacks of all of the most romantic moments of the last three years of the life of the main characters. Also, former partners will appear, appearing as if by magic, and, of course, quarrels and scandals over trifles. All this, again, we saw, and more than once, only unlike the comedies of zero, it does not seem a sugary illusion, but it looks like real life.
The Happy Anniversary film makes you not only smile or feel sad but also think about how to make long relationships more harmonious, learn to respect your partner, and find reasons for happiness. The picture did not receive enthusiastic reviews from critics, but the audience fell in love with it for the excellent play of the actors, the standard plot with non-standard moves, and excellent camera work.

Several Hangover films about the adventures of a fun company of friends in Las Vegas have become truly popular comedies that have earned the love of the audience. The film Ibiza is a female version of Hangover but without a bachelorette party. Because modern women do not need a reason to get together and have fun together.
When superiors send Harper (Gillian McLaren Jackobs from “The Row” and the series “Love”) on a business trip to Barcelona; ââher neighbors and part-time best friends Nikki (star of the current cast of Saturday Night Live Vanessa Polster Bayer) and Leah bind her (Phoebe Robinson). There, perhaps, the most unrealistic, but quite possible scene of acquaintance in life is happening in the club. Harper falls in love with a handsome DJ played by Richard Madden (Robb Stark from Game of Thrones). He calls her backstage, and immediately it becomes clear that if this is not love, then at least a very strong attraction.
Then there will be drug parties, and funny acquaintances, and, in fact, Ibiza. For the first time in a long time, the heroes of American comedy set off for annealing, not somewhere in the USA, but Europe. Ibiza stands out from many similar films with at least a sex-positive subtext for women: each of the three heroines is her mistress and can get to know who she wants, when she wants and do what she wants to do next.
Therefore, the picture is perfect for those who want to just relax and laugh, but do not want to go beyond decency and see the objectification of women. Each actress played a strong and full-fledged personality worthy of respect on the screen and in real life. You go, girl!
Set It Up
The film was released in 2018, and this picture managed to collect numerous positive reviews from the audience and even excellent reviews from critics. Such success was associated with excellent acting, professional cameraman, and directorial work. Besides, the film tells an interesting story and keeps viewers at the screens until the very end.
Numerous fans of Set It Up (including many film critics) have already compared it with the beautiful romantic comedies of the 90s You’ve Got Mail and While You Were Slipping. The main difference is that this fascinating picture is oriented more towards the experience of twenty-year-olds than to the older generation. Harper (Zoey Francis Thompson Deutch) and Charlie (Glen Thomas Powell) – two overwhelmed by the work of an assistant who comes up with the idea to cut their way to freedom, making their bosses fall in love with each other.
We can say that their plans will take a slightly different turn – this is not a spoiler for those who watched at least one romantic comedy. All the romantic gestures they came up with for their superiors, Kirsten (Lucy Alexis Liu) and Rick (Scott Leo Taye Diggs), smoothly flow into their relationships. Having every chance of becoming a classic of the genre, Set It Up owes a lot to this unexpectedly beautiful duet of Deutsch and Powell – it is impossible to break away from them with an amazing and natural game.
The Kissing Booth
The story of teenage love was also released in 2018 and immediately won the love of many spectators. Just a month and a half, the picture became one of the most popular in the history of Netflix. The Kissing Booth is based on the story of then only 15-year-old young-adult-author Beth Reekles. She published it on the free Wattpad platform, where authors can upload chapters one by one, and readers follow the writing of work in almost real-time and give feedback.
The plot is built around 17-year-old Elle (matured Joey Lynn King from the TV series Fargo), who falls in love with Noah (Jacob Elrodi), the elder brother of her best friend Lee (Joel Courtney). Of course, Elle and Noah are forced to keep their relationship secret, so as not to destroy her friendship with Lee. “The Kissing Booth” follows the canons of the 80s. Moreover, even the icon of that time, Molly Kathleen Ringwald plays one of the roles here, and the main characters are referred to the heroes of films with her participation.
But the main thing that this Netflix film surprises with is the sincerity with which all the strangest and even little stupid dialogues are spelled out. Similar themes and nuances were not in many popular and well-known films about teenagers that appeared earlier. The age of the author of the original work played a significant role here. We recommend that you enjoy watching the movie. Even if you are not a teenager, you will find many interesting nuances here, you can better understand the teenage world and feel young again.
Isn’t It Romantic?
This film, released by Netflix in 2019, is a satire on stamps and commonplace. This is the reason that causes interest and stimulates viewing. The main character, Natalie, is not beautiful and even has problems with being overweight. The lack of happiness in her personal life made her cynical and strict. She does not believe in romance and hates romantic comedies. Naturally, after a certain incident, the girl finds herself in a world that lives according to the laws of romantic comedies.
Here the sun almost always shines, and the rain begins exactly at the moment necessary to create a romantic mood. Here on all streets, stairwells, window sills, alleys, shops, cafes, pillars, tables, chairs, yes, in general, everywhere, wherever possible, there are bouquets. There is always a pleasant aroma in the air. Apartments, the size of a small stadium, are furnished with the most beautiful and expensive furniture, wardrobes are bursting with clothes and luxurious model shoes. The men are all muscular handsome millionaires, who are pouring compliments and wanting to please the main character and immediately bring her down the aisle. And passers-by are just looking for a reason to dance and perform some artsy vocal-dance number. The real hell for Natalie, from which she seeks to escape. Alas, this is not so simple.
Isn’t It Romantic is a really funny movie. The authors carefully go through all the cliches of the genre, including a bitchy enemy friend at work and a cutesy, manly gay friend who advises the heroine how to seduce her chosen one. And yes, the chosen one is, of course, not the handsome millionaire that everyone around admires. This is a cute guy who was always there, and whom the heroine perceived as a friend.
The humor in the film is diverse – there are cute and funny jokes, but there are jokes on the verge of vulgarity. It is also worth noting interesting musical numbers. Despite the parody, they look and are very beautifully directed. The main idea that Isnât It Romantic is trying to convey to the audience, and first of all to the spectators – before someone appears who is ready to love you, you must love yourself, increase your self-esteem. It is the film in the spirit of the times and positively.

The Last Summer
Another interesting film, which with humor touches on the topic of growing up and determining the life path. The focus is on teenagers (KJ Apa, Norman Johnson Jr., Jacob McCarthy) who finish school and make plans. It is worth noting a good casting from Netflix – the characters are very truthful on the screen and in all scenes.
The characters are on the verge of adulthood, make more plans, and hope that everything will be fine with them. The youth comedy The Last Summer, which Netflix introduced in 2019, is a few stories about four friends. After graduating from high school, they have three summer months to take a walk, relax, and think about who they want to be and how to manage their life.
Of course, soon they will have to study hard in college, new problems and possibly relationships. As young people gain and lose love, make new friends and try to keep their teenage lives under control, they must ultimately decide what they will do. This is an important and responsible decision on which their future fate depends.
The film was well-received by the audience, who gave him 6 points on IMDB. Most fans noted the excellent camera work and deep thoughts that the director was trying to convey to the audience. You can be sure that this picture is worth the time spent on because it will encourage you not only to laugh but also to think.
Sierra Burgess Is a Loser
Many teens are concerned about the problem of self-confidence. The especially relevant question is: Can a not very attractive and full schoolgirl find her happiness? You can try to find the answer to this question in the movie of the year 2018, available on Netflix.
Everyone remembers the sad love story of Cyrano de Bergerac, a proud Gascon with a remarkable appearance. The play, dedicated to the suffering of Cyrano, has already been filmed more than once. However, there is nothing wrong with appealing to the classics, if it is done qualitatively.
The story takes place in the graduation class of an ordinary American school. The main character is Sierra (Shannon Purser). She is complete (but, alas, not a cheerful charming fatty) and is not popular. She has loving parents, but she held a grudge against them, as the beautiful mother and creative father gave her some of the wrong genes. Of course, she is smart, knows several languages, and she also has a rich inner world. However, this does not add appeal.
Veronica (Kristine Froseth), one of the “evil girls”, beautiful, athletic, and angry. She is part of the support group for the school football team, in her free time she mocks the main character. The handsome prince, Jamie (Noah Centineo) is athletic, kind, and also with a rich inner world.
Of course, the prince falls in love with a beauty who decides to cruelly make a joke and gives him the phone number of the loser. A correspondence is struck between the prince and Sierra, and then they talk a lot and enthusiastically on the phone. All this time, Sierra knows that her admirer takes her for another, but remorse fades against the backdrop of something so new and bright in her life, and, of course, so that the farce does not fall apart, she involves Veronika in deception.
The filmmakers do not tell a banal story. There is no magic weight loss or turning into a queen. Here, the heroine, with her powerful heels, trampled faith in the humanity of touching cutie Jamie, abandoned her best friend, and brutally salted her friend Veronica (who, by the way, turned out to be the most interesting character, and whose character developed). The final makes you think about the relationship between people and the value of the inner world.

The Big Sick
American-born Kumail in Pakistan begins dating a local student, Emily but is forced to break off relations due to cultural differences: his parents force him to look for a girl among assimilated Pakistani women or, at worst, just Muslim women. When Emily suddenly falls into a coma, Kumail decides to get to know her parents and confess her feelings, even if it hurts her family and career as a stand-up comedian.
Emily V. Gordon and Kumail Ali Nanjiani wrote the script of the debut film, taking their acquaintance story as the basis – this sincerity turned The Big Sick into a touching reflection on how love erases cultural boundaries, unites conflicting people and treats.
Something original rarely happens in modern romantic comedies, but this genre is still one of the most sought after by the audience. The Big Sick at first does not promise anything that goes beyond the already bored stamps and cliches.
But already half the film, the story takes an unexpected turn. The picture, of course, largely remains within the given scheme, but this does not prevent it from pushing the boundaries of the genre. Most of all, she is captivated with her realism, which is often completely absent in dozens of other similar films.
Despite the extremely tragic turn in the plot, the picture manages to hold the very degree of jokes that are necessary in order not to slide into drama and to observe with curiosity the development of further events. The main reason for humor is Kumail’s relationship with Emily’s parents – the strongest secondary characters brilliantly played by Holly Hunter and Raymond Romano. The same can be said about life inside the right Pakistani family, where constant misunderstanding provokes comic situations. Therefore, The Big Sick can be safely attributed to the number of intellectual comedies with a large share of acuity on relevant topics, which does not slip into primitivism.
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
The bestseller of the same name Jenny Han wanted to film many studios, but with the condition to turn the heroine from an Asian American of an American origin into an ordinary white girl. The writer refused everyone except Netflix, who respected the original source and shot a quality film.
Lara – an ordinary high school student, amorous nature, and quiet, who used to be invisible. She never knew how to express her feelings, so she wrote to the guys she was in love with, small secret letters with recognition. Once the box of revelations becomes empty, because letters are mysteriously sent to the recipients.
The film came out easy, completely unholy. No sexual overtones – this is a sweet and beautiful story about romantic love and the first serious feeling. There were five letters, and each mini-story develops uniquely. For example, one letter is in the hands of a sister’s boyfriend, thereby heating the atmosphere.
The plot cannot be called unpredictable, but there are interesting moments and original moves. It is interesting to watch this story thanks to the good casting and the excellent script. Each character has a deep character and his characteristics. All the guys are interesting and different, and the viewer learns what the main character likes and has touched the strings of her soul. This is a romantic tape about teens, about first love. A pleasant hour and a half that will immerse you in youth and memories of romantic feelings.

Love, Simon
It seems that Netflix is ââaiming to present its viewers with a wide variety of films relating to all problems, characters, and personalities. Love, Simon is a warm and sincere youth romantic comedy about a guy who is confronted with loneliness and misunderstanding based on unconventional sexual orientation.
Simon is an ordinary American high school student graduating from high school. He has everything: a wonderful understanding of family, loyal friends, authority at school. Only one thing saddens him: Simon is gay, but he does not dare to admit it to any of his relatives and friends. Acutely experiencing his loneliness, a teenager suddenly discovers a message from a certain Blue on a school blog. The guy admits that he also hides his orientation – correspondence is established between two young people, friendship is growing, but they are not yet ready to reveal their real names to each other and meet.
The unusual relationship, which finally gave Simon confidence and love, comes to the logical outcome – a meeting, but suddenly the correspondence falls into the hands of a school loser, who makes her public, revealing Simon’s secret.
Cinema, first of all, talks about how difficult it is sometimes to admit to others about your problems, tell loved ones about your fears, and share your feelings with friends. Love, Simon has already been called the John Hughes film of the iPhone and Facebook generation, in terms of mood they have something in common – they are about growing up, about the teenager’s encounter with the new world, with new challenges and difficulties. And it’s not even about orientation or first sex, it’s not easy to be young at all.
Yes, by the end Simon will find his happiness, along with a lot of understanding for himself and himself. There will also be a long-awaited romantic scene of a reunion with a pen-pal, and by that time the main character and his circle of communication will be pretty for the viewer. This film is conducive to understanding the growing up. This topic will never cease to be urgent and painful, regardless of what a teenager has to admit to himself and his peers.

Destination Wedding
We are already used to the fact that Netflix invites world-class actors for their films. But here the duet of Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder is truly amazing. Besides, the company is trying to offer the viewer non-standard stories and the opportunity to think about life and its features. For example, the film Destination Wedding contains a lot of cynicism and sarcasm, which is not typical for standard romantic comedies.
A bachelor with experience Frank (Keanu Reeves), arrives at the airport. The agonizing wait for the flight forces him to speak with Lindsay (Winona Ryder), who also flies on a tiny eight-seater airplane to the small town of Paso Robles in California. The easy conversation quickly turns into mutual watering with slop and the desire to never see each other again.
Fate, however, decides to do everything in spite: it turns out, Frank and Lindsay are flying to the same wedding. He is the forgotten half-brother of the groom, and she is his ex-girlfriend, whose wedding failed at the last moment. Together they are a duet of unnecessary and emotionally broken people – in order not to spoil the holiday, wedding organizers everywhere attach them nearby: in an airplane, taxi, hotel and at a table for dinner. Close communication slowly but surely begins to stoke their icy hearts and awaken a long-forgotten feeling of love.
This picture is about two cynics who cease to be lonely and find each other in this world. A good reason to remember that our happiness is waiting for us and smile.
[Cheryl is a passionate journalist from Boston, Massachusetts. She decided to dedicate her life to writing because she thinks this way she can be the most useful for the community. After obtaining a Master’s degree in Journalism, Cheryl started running her own blog CherylHearts.com where she’s covering topics of great interest to society.]