Category: TV
Breaking Bad
Read more: Breaking BadIt’s a great show, but I’m sick of hearing you yap about it.
Best Movies on Netflix to Watch with Your Partner This Valentine’s Day
Read more: Best Movies on Netflix to Watch with Your Partner This Valentine’s DayValentine’s Day is just a few sleeps away. If you’re the type of couple that prefers to stay at home, cook a simple meal, drink wine, and snuggle up with your partner while watching movies on TV
Top Spanish TV Shows to Watch If You Want to Learn Spanish
Read more: Top Spanish TV Shows to Watch If You Want to Learn SpanishMany people want to learn Spanish for a whole lot of reasons — they’re migrating, they simply want to learn a new language, they’re preparing for a trip to a Spanish-speaking country, and others.
Finding Bigfoot(2011)
Read more: Finding Bigfoot(2011)America is a country of masochists wanting nothing more than to be tied down, beat with fly swatters and be forced to choke down the hot, dripping load of whatever con artist we’re buying into at the moment.
Madagascar (2005)
Read more: Madagascar (2005)Not only an extraordinary place, but invulnerable to pandemics like Covid.
The Pickup Artist (2007)
Read more: The Pickup Artist (2007)Every now and again, when our sensibilities are weakened by a paralyzing hangover and Sunday boredom, the networks will slip a hideous reality show slug into your brain like Kahn Nonnien Singh. These shows don’t really seek to amuse as much as they seek to annoy and apparently, being annoyed passes for entertainment these days.…
The ABC’s of Starsky & Hutch
Read more: The ABC’s of Starsky & HutchThe greatest television show of the 1970’s gets the royal treatment.
I Like to Watch TV
Read more: I Like to Watch TVWhat else can I do while tied to the bed in passive restraints by the dutiful but obedient medical authority nurses? Not exactly the stuff of Henry Miller, is it?
Toddlers and Tiaras: Honey Boo Boo Child
Read more: Toddlers and Tiaras: Honey Boo Boo ChildWhat ever happened to America’s collective self control?