Category: The Unsung
The Unsung: Civilian, Apocalypse Now (1979)
Read more: The Unsung: Civilian, Apocalypse Now (1979)He is everyone and no one. A man of mystery, never to be pigeonholed or defined, yet so real, so tangible, he all but stands in for every G-man who ever lived. Soldier, bureaucrat, and yes, “civilian” (as he’s so named in the credits)
80’s Action Hall of Fame: Toilet Man, Death Wish 3
Read more: 80’s Action Hall of Fame: Toilet Man, Death Wish 3There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think of him. He’s maybe 15-20 seconds of the total film, but he’s left me with 30+ years of memories. Dark thoughts. Often a nightmare or two. And then, a warmth washes over me
The Unsung: Arthur, Interiors (1978)
Read more: The Unsung: Arthur, Interiors (1978)And so begins Woody Allen’s Interiors, one of cinema’s boldest declarations yet for the embrace of unchecked hedonism in the face of cerebral detachment. Where we are encouraged – required, even – to reevaluate everything
The Unsung: Kamp Komfort Clerk, Vacation (1983)
Read more: The Unsung: Kamp Komfort Clerk, Vacation (1983)How he got to man the register at Colorado’s Kamp Komfort, we’ll never really know. Is he a seasonal employee, the only one who didn’t call in sick, or has the campground been his baby from the start?
The Unsung: Mr. Bernstein, Citizen Kane (1941)
Read more: The Unsung: Mr. Bernstein, Citizen Kane (1941)Everett Sloane” hardly sends chills down anyone’s spine, but when the book on 20th century cinematic art is written, he’ll be there, somewhere around the second or third chapter,
The Unsung: Johnny Cab in Total Recall
Read more: The Unsung: Johnny Cab in Total RecallBenny was barely human, but there was another Cabbie that was not even remotely human that had some of the most glorious and violent 2 minutes of showtime ever for someone who was just a mundane civil servant.
The Unsung: Cookie, in Deconstructing Harry (1997)
Read more: The Unsung: Cookie, in Deconstructing Harry (1997)If there is a misunderstood and despised figure in American cinema, it is the prostitute. If they aren’t being reduced to a crude stereotype, they are granted little agency at all, and even less dignity
The Unsung: Mr. Jackson, Double Indemnity (1944)
Read more: The Unsung: Mr. Jackson, Double Indemnity (1944)In a world gone rotten – murder, honeysuckle, and anklets that lead to oblivion – there is Mr. Jackson. While everyone else is doing their level best to get out of this life a little more than they put in, Mr. Jackson, by all appearances, is the only one devoted to sheer pleasure.
The Unsung: Frederick, Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Read more: The Unsung: Frederick, Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)Frederick is tired. As an artist, he is beholden to a fickle public, yet he has nothing but contempt for those who buy his wares. “I don’t sell my work by the yard,” he sneers
The Unsung: Malena, Alice Adams
Read more: The Unsung: Malena, Alice AdamsEnter Malena. A black woman in 1935, she is, unavoidably, a domestic. A hired gun to keep whitey from having to do the grunt work. A woman of few words and even fewer signs of underlying humanity.