Comfortable and Furious

Category: Movies

  • The White Tiger

    The White Tiger

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    “Do we loathe our masters behind a facade of loving, or do we love our masters behind a facade of loathing?”  Balram  It is fitting that the first words heard in The White Tiger are spoken by Jay-Z. On the soundtrack as the movie begins is “Beware of the Boys,” Jay’s collaboration with British Indian…

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  • Invasion U.S.A

    Invasion U.S.A

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    Matt Hunter is tired. Once a proud Company Man, and one of the few on the payroll with full beard and bare chest, he’s more a Lion in Winter circa 1985, with nothing left to prove and no arms left to break. Leaving behind a world on the brink, he’s retired to Florida … the…

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  • I, Frankenstein (2014)

    I, Frankenstein (2014)

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    The longer you watch I, Frankenstein, the harder it is to believe that it is an actual theatrical feature and not just a bad TV movie made for the Syfy channel. Despite big-name, reliably good actors like Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, and Miranda Otto, and special effects that, at their best, at least look like…

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  • Rouge Trader (1999)

    Rouge Trader (1999)

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    My favorite part of Trading Places is when Winthorpe and Valentine destroy the Duke brothers. “A Duke has been sitting on this exchange since it was founded!” So I was curious to see Rogue Trader, the 1999 biopic about Nick Leeson. You may not know who he is but he was big news in 1995.…

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  • Quills


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    The film is passionate, exciting, and full of a life so rare that when discovered, it literally forces a smile on the viewer’s face.

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  • Castle Cagliostro

    Castle Cagliostro

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    1 hr 42 minutes, PG-13 for violence and crime. Fair Value of Castle Cagliostro: $14.00. This Miyazaki adaptation of a French novel is fun and picturesque, almost like a cinematic cousin of a Tintin adventure. How Kid Friendly is this Film? It would probably get a PG in modern standards. There’s guns but not blood, a…

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  • Party Hard (2020)

    Party Hard (2020)

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    I am occasionally contacted by actors or directors of indie films to screen their latest movie project. I would be less than honest if I did not state that most are not worth my time because they are terrible efforts. Enough of that, because sometimes I stumble on a gem like Road To The Well.…

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  • Days of Thunder

    Days of Thunder

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    Jesus H. Christ in a Deep Fryer, Tom Cruise’s character is named Cole Trickle!

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  • Coming 2 America

    Coming 2 America

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    Honestly, I had my apprehensions about watching this movie after some of my Facebook friends said that it wasn’t as good as the original. Others thought that having a non-theatrical release was a “negative” sign, a red flag that the movie was a stinker. Well, going straight to streaming is not necessarily a bad thing,…

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  • Greyhound


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    Greyhound – Living room popcorn just isn’t the same. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon and Netflix were making attempts to cut into the theater business with direct-release original movies on their streaming services. For the most part, those films consisted of two types of movies – award bait and toilet residue. Trying to compete…

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