Category: Movies
Zombie Hunter (2013)
Read more: Zombie Hunter (2013)I hope he has a license.
Starring Debuts #6: Harvey Stephens in The Omen (1976)
Read more: Starring Debuts #6: Harvey Stephens in The Omen (1976)According to the nursery rhyme, little boys are made of snips, snails and puppy dogs’ tails. However, some parents being driven up the wall by their misbehaving spawn probably believe they’re actually jam-packed with satanic DNA. Take Damien Thorn. There’s just no hope with this kid. Appoint a nice nanny to look after him? She’ll…
Starring Debuts #4: Kathleen Turner in Body Heat (1981)
Read more: Starring Debuts #4: Kathleen Turner in Body Heat (1981)Now this is my idea of a Strong Female Role. Kathleen Turner’s performance in Body Heat hasn’t quite carved itself into pop culture as unmistakably as Louise Fletcher in Cuckoo’s Nest, Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz or Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, but it’s hard to think of any woman who’s made a better…
Starring Debuts #2: John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever
Read more: Starring Debuts #2: John Travolta in Saturday Night FeverYou’d think the sight of a bloke walking down a street carrying a tin of paint isn’t much of an opening for a movie. But we’re talking John Travolta in his pomp here, and he’s not just walking, he’s strutting like an electrified peacock to those falsetto disco gods, The Bee Gees. “Well, you can…
The Enforcer (1976)
Read more: The Enforcer (1976)Tagline: The “dirtiest” Harry of them all! Entire Story In Fewer Words Than Are In This Sentence: Harry endures militants, radicals and, worst of all, women. Homoeroticism: The lead baddie, Bobby Maxwell (DeVeren Bookwalter) shares Harry’s love of the kill, a look of erotic rapture overtaking his face as he shoves his huge knife into…
Chato’s Land (1972)
Read more: Chato’s Land (1972)Chato’s Land is not a happy movie or your usual Western. It is not a funny film, or one for viewers who cannot tolerate vile bigotry and brutal and explicit rape. However, it is a movie that showcases the laconic Charles Bronson at his most ripped and bad-assed best. If you thought the villains in…
Witchfinder General (1968)
Read more: Witchfinder General (1968)“Men sometimes have strange motives for the things they do.” So says Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General, and one of this brutal flick’s coarse joys is trying to work out his. Does he really believe he’s doing God’s work? Or is he merely an opportunist, a man happy to take advantage of the breakdown in law…
The Muppet Movie (1979)
Read more: The Muppet Movie (1979)The Electric Mayhem shows us that drugs make better musicians. Kermit shows us that failure is a part of success. Piggy shows us that women…
Magnum Force (1973)
Read more: Magnum Force (1973)Tagline: This time the bullets are hitting pretty close to home! Entire Story In Fewer Words Than Are In This Sentence: Harry could just kill his Stupid Chief this time. Homoeroticism: Once again limited almost exclusively to the fetishization of guns, beginning with the opening credits sequence, which consists of a very long shot of…
The Thin Man
Read more: The Thin ManFrom the outset, it is impossible to believe that this is a film from 1934, as the characters and situations appear timeless, almost without regard for context.