Category: Movies
The Shawshank Redemption
Read more: The Shawshank RedemptionFor a movie that featured busting a load in another man’s mouth as repeated punishment for (and get a load of this) resisting the idea of taking the load to begin with, The Shawshank Redemption struck me as surprisingly tame during its first hour. Though never shown, this was twice insinuated to the victimized protagonist…
Read more: JawsDUHHHHN-DUH DUHHHHN-DUH DUHN-DUH-DUHN-DUH-DUHN-DUH deeleee-dee! DUHN-DUH-DUHN DUH-DUHN Yes, I have it on good authority that’s how the famous danger theme of Jaws was written, by the same man who wrote the Star Wars score, John Williams…here’s a sample from his notebook entitled “Imperial March”: “BWAHM-BWAHM-BWAHM-teedee-BWAHM-teedee BWAHM (higher) BWAHM-BWAHM-BWAHM-diddliy-BWAHM-teedee-BWAHM (maybe a little ‘toodley-deedly’ here–ask George–too many BWAHMs?)”…
Inspirational Teacher Movies You Need to See
Category (ies):
Read more: Inspirational Teacher Movies You Need to SeeTeachers tend to be overworked and underappreciated, it’s unsurprising then that a lot of modern shows have taken to showing teachers as less inspirational figures and more people doing their best with what they have. If you do want to be inspired by a teacher though, here are seven movies for you to check out…
Upstream Color
Read more: Upstream ColorIt was a nine-year wait between writer-director-producer-actor-composer Shane Carruth’s first film, Primer (perhaps the most realistic, challenging, and compelling time-travel movie ever made), and his masterpiece, Upstream Color, an even more complex and challenging movie, and certainly a more visually appealing one. It has now been nine years since the latter was released, with no…
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
Read more: The Man Who Killed Don QuixoteOn January 04, 2018 I wrote an article about Movies That Ruthless Reviews Eagerly Anticipates in 2018. Terry Gilliam worked on this film for an unbelievable 30 years before it finally came to fruition. This is after 10 attempts for this off and on film. No one but the whacky genius Terry Gilliam could have…
Top Gun: Maverick
Read more: Top Gun: Maverick“Top Gun: Maverick” – Shock and awe. If ever there was a movie where my expectations were set to negative one million, it’s every Fast and Furious movie. One tick higher was Top Gun: Maverick. Like every other Gen X/Millennial, I have fond memories of the original Top Gun, complete with the ability to sing…
Fucked-Up Films #5: Wolf Creek (2005)
Read more: Fucked-Up Films #5: Wolf Creek (2005)Film Title Wolf Creek Synopsis Australia. The outback. And you thought venomous snakes were scary. Director Greg McLean Cast John Jarratt Nathan Phillips Cassandra Magrath Kestie Morassi What are these sick bastards doing? Actually, Ben, Kristy and Liz aren’t sick bastards. They’re lovely guys partying on the Western Australian coast who are about to undertake…
300 by Wax
Read more: 300 by WaxTriumph of the Will(y).
The Shawshank Redemption
Read more: The Shawshank RedemptionI despise Stephen King, his novella of Rita Hayworth, and The Shawshank Redemption. It was an un-readable blot of blueberry mustard smeared on a Maine tourist map from 1973. Why ’73? Well, that’s the last year of Maine’s state pride as it is the last year it WOULD NOT be associated with this human cowlick…
Hold The Dark
Read more: Hold The DarkWith Hold the Dark, Jeremy Saulnier’s third such endeavor and fourth feature, the director’s reputation as a state-hopping connoisseur of America’s backwoods is well and truly confirmed. A reputation not so much for achievement as inclination; mainly an infatuation with subcultures situated at the peripheries of mainstream society. His penchant for uncompromising and violent depictions…