Comfortable and Furious

Category: Movies

  • Pearl (2022)

    Pearl (2022)

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    “Pearl” – Houston, we have a problem. When I walked out of the theater after watching Pearl, my initial response to “what did you think?” was “I was bored.” What I couldn’t articulate at the time was why I found the film boring. On the drive home, my thoughts kept circling around the fact that…

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  • Barbarian


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    “Barbarian” – My eyes! MY EYES!!! There are a couple of film genres that I generally try to avoid. One genre is comedies that rely on embarrassing humor. Meet the Parents and Anger Management are two prime examples of comedies that I did not find amusing in any way, shape, or form. In fact, my…

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  • Cop and a Half

    Cop and a Half

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    Burt Reynolds is a murdering sociopath pederast with a case of jungle fever, but his real flaw is that he’s a cop.

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  • The Last Movie Star

    The Last Movie Star

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    Anyone who was alive in the last century has to be aware of Burt Reynolds. He burst on the scene as the arrow-slinging hot hunk in Deliverance and then was immortalized in Smokey And The Bandit as a Coors Beer runner who stayed just ahead of the venerable Jackie Gleason as Sheriff Buford. After that,…

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  • Slap Shot (1977)

    Slap Shot (1977)

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    Every time I think of hockey, I am reminded of my late, great friend, Ed Arndt. Ed was a friend luckily met from the Fidonet era, in the early 90s, before the internet was what it is today. A bunch of us guys would go to the hockey games at the Memphis Mid-South Coliseum. I…

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  • Inglourious Basterds

    Inglourious Basterds

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    Liberating Auschwitz, Tarantino-style

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  • Hell Or High Water

    Hell Or High Water

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    I had been intending to watch this movie for a long time. I was intrigued by that famous gas station fight scene, which I ran across on YouTube. I’ve probably watched it over a half a dozen times, and it is a very satisfying seeing some young punk getting a well-deserved comeuppance. Let me get…

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  • Beast


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    “Beast” – I’m not a lion tamer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I often wonder what it is about any given movie that makes people like or dislike it. For example, I recently screened Emily the Criminal, a movie so uninteresting and lacking entertainment value that every time I…

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  • The Matrix

    The Matrix

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    The Matrix is such a good movie for so many reasons. Special effects is a big one, but I am going to keep my comments on that to a minimum. If you are interested in more in-depth commentary on the special effects of The Matrix, you can watch the behind-the-scenes epic The Matrix: Revisited or…

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  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train

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    “Bullet Train” – Come on ride the train. As I struggled to come up with a theme for my review of Bullet Train, I skimmed through other, early reviews for ideas. To my surprise, Bullet Train has divided other critics almost right down the middle (currently sitting at 53% positive on Rotten Tomatoes; 49 on…

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