Category: Reviews
Ferris Bueller’s Almost Forty (1986)
Read more: Ferris Bueller’s Almost Forty (1986)What I’ll be describing is a fresh impression of the film, from a viewing I attended last night with my mom. Cinemas here in California do a thing on Tuesday evenings, where films deemed “classic” by some combination of awards tally, cult fandom, and re-watchability are presented in high-res digital projections, either restored, upscaled, or…
Assholes of the Cinema: Liza Minnelli, The Sterile Cuckoo (1969)
Read more: Assholes of the Cinema: Liza Minnelli, The Sterile Cuckoo (1969)Ah yes, the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. We hardly knew ye. Defined as “a young woman with quirky and eccentric personality traits, who exists primarily to serve as the love interest for a male protagonist
The Gorge (2025)
Read more: The Gorge (2025)One of the many reasons I enjoy Stranger Things is the way it deals with the audience expectation of the possible vs the impossible. The narrative contains witty dialogue delivered by charming and convincing characters.
Mississippi Burning (1988)
Read more: Mississippi Burning (1988)Mississippi Burning was based on the actual events starting May 1964 when 3 civil rights activists were missing after they were arrested and released in Neshoba Co. Mississippi. They were working with the Freedom Summer campaign which was attempting to register African Americans to vote.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 54
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 54This is the opening scene in the bar, where John Russell disciplines a range bum who was disrespecting two Indians, and the tempo of Russell’s screen presence was set
Hard Truths (2024)
Read more: Hard Truths (2024)The greatest of cinematic sins, now and forever, is over-explanation. Tying A to B when C is a better bet. Reducing the complexity, nuance, and maddening ambiguity of life – any life – to simpleminded reasoning rooted in dime store psychology.
Captain America: Brave New World (2025)
Read more: Captain America: Brave New World (2025)Are you ready for the full return of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to a theater near you? It’s a much needed reset.
Simon Birch
Read more: Simon BirchDon’t lecture me at the movies. Dwarfism arguably the surest sign we have for an unloving, merciless god. To afflict any human being with a litany of curses – from the puffy chest, to the sausage-like fingers, to the unmistakable teetering walk of a Weeble.
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Read more: Good Will Hunting (1997)I’m not going to do my usual review format, but just want to lay a little groundwork before I discuss relationships, which are the very essence of this great film.
Maniac Cop (1988)
Read more: Maniac Cop (1988)“Make it bigger than AIDS!” If a line of dialogue ever locked in a movie at the dead center of Reagan’s America, it’s that one. Once it hits, like that late-night slip into a warm bath, you know you’re home. Safe and sound, naturally