Category: Rants
Matt Has Had Enough of Mountain Climbers
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Read more: Matt Has Had Enough of Mountain ClimbersThey are a force more vile than Al Qaeda. In their pursuit of glory, purpose, and might, they cost our nation…
Happy Sniper’s Day
Read more: Happy Sniper’s DayFrom the Editor: We get lots of mail, and hate mail too, which we love. Here is a response from a real military man that I thought would be worthy of publishing. Guy D. McCardle, Jr. is the author of several articles on a wide variety of military related topics. Guy is a former Army…
Masters of Disaster: Leslie Neilson in The Poseidon Adventure
Read more: Masters of Disaster: Leslie Neilson in The Poseidon AdventureHe can hold his breath for a loooong time
Demons in the air -or- Why movies suck and wokism is everywhere
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Read more: Demons in the air -or- Why movies suck and wokism is everywhereDemons in the Air: Why Movies Suck, Wokism is Everywhere, Your Company is Sponsoring a Gay Pride Parade Even Though It Makes Swizzle Sticks and (finally!) Who’s Responsible? [Imagine flying through clouds in clear black and white while a comforting southern voice narrates] There is a demon that lives in the air. This demon calls…
Where’s My Froggy?: A Top 10 (ribbit) List
Read more: Where’s My Froggy?: A Top 10 (ribbit) ListYou probably find it hard to believe but I write all my Ruthless articles surrounded by aromatic candles immersed in a freestanding claw foot bath. Well, I say write but what I actually mean is dictate. Indeed, all of my honey-coated missives are transcribed by a slightly drunken Catholic schoolgirl called Samantha. Her proofreading skills…
Schultz’s Guide to Enjoying San Francisco
Read more: Schultz’s Guide to Enjoying San FranciscoEnjoying San Fran is pretty simple. Just get out of the city.
How To Deal With Conservative/Paranoid Facebook Friends
Read more: How To Deal With Conservative/Paranoid Facebook FriendsFacebook is pretty much the Gettysburg of the internet culture war. It’s the epicenter of binary bloodshed. Houses are divided, attacks are vicious, and no matter what happens, you will see body parts you wish you hadn’t. We can’t help it. Even the wussiest amongst us are embolden by the internet. I think Sir Friendzone…
Another Poop Story: The Desert Hamburger
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Read more: Another Poop Story: The Desert HamburgerOne does not simply enjoy gut bombs.
Confessions Of A Condiment King -or- Why Goat Revoked Ezra’s Key To The Break Room At Ruthless Towers
Read more: Confessions Of A Condiment King -or- Why Goat Revoked Ezra’s Key To The Break Room At Ruthless TowersGreetings, citizens of Gotham! It is I, Buddy Standler, the Condiment King! You mayo may not have heard my fearsome moniker before…. Oh, come now, you mustard of me at least once or twice. Well, please endeavor to ketchup and follow along, for mine is a tale to relish! I may not be one of…