Category: Rants
id Cinema: The Genre We Love
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Read more: id Cinema: The Genre We LoveId Cinema: the genre we love without all the ‘narrative structure’ or ‘causal logic’ that just gets in the way of its fans feeling superior to everybody.’ Id Cinema is my term for that treatment of narrative that uses symbol and abstraction to get to the point, which is usually the interior revelation of a…
The Phantom Menace: The 100 Things Wrong With it Edition
Read more: The Phantom Menace: The 100 Things Wrong With it EditionMommy, Why are Jedis so gay?
My Own Personal Jesus-The Eureka Springs Experience
Read more: My Own Personal Jesus-The Eureka Springs ExperienceBy turns a direct link to a finely tuned spirituality and a transfer of theme park values to the most sacred of relations, it is…
Death Without Dignity
Read more: Death Without DignityMy profession is to witness and resist the inexorable pull of death. With an armamentarium of medications, I reverse death when it is possible, provide comfort when it is not, and occasionally facilitate its imposition of will on mortal flesh.
Colonoscopy: It’s About the Prep
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Read more: Colonoscopy: It’s About the PrepIf you survive the prep, you will probably be just fine
Falling Down: Spending 7 Months in Prison Edition
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Read more: Falling Down: Spending 7 Months in Prison EditionEditor’s Note: Here is an email that I got from one of our writers. I was pretty sure he was dead, since I hadn’t heard from him in 7 months. Anyway, enjoy, and welcome back, Paul.
The Oscars: When Pigs Fly Edition
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Read more: The Oscars: When Pigs Fly EditionI must thank my Lickspittle-in-Chief Bob, Pooka 1st Class, Narcissistic Division, for his invaluable assistance in compiling this pile from the foothills of Bandini Mountain, Hollywood USA.
Soul Plane
Read more: Soul PlaneMore damaging than repealing the 13th Amendment, and more harmful to the cause of civil rights than forcing the South return to lynching as official policy, this racist, sexist, homophobic hate-fest is even more infuriating because it coasts on its untouchable status. Attach a white director to a project of this kind and Jesse Jackson…
The Top 10 Words To Describe Midgets
Read more: The Top 10 Words To Describe MidgetsThere was a story here recently about the word ’midget’ being officially struck from the BBCs style manual, meaning it ‘ist verboten en der extreem!’ I don’t know if they’re done it here yet, but c’mon The DEI demons worked every Halloween, solstice and Dianic Dyke Orgy to make ESG (the WEF’s Orwellian ass-fuck, of…
Great Cocksmen of the American Presidency (Who Are Not Bill Clinton)
Read more: Great Cocksmen of the American Presidency (Who Are Not Bill Clinton)Finally, a list without Jimmy Carter.