Category: Rants
Top 10 Movie/TV Quotes Worth Living By
Read more: Top 10 Movie/TV Quotes Worth Living ByTake a seat. Wait your turn. Tell the nice lady thank you. Don’t drink and drive. Wear pants. We’ve built ourselves into a prison of written and unwritten rules.
The Metric System Is Stupid
Read more: The Metric System Is StupidThe metric system is, of course, based on measuring everything using the circumference of the earth. Why? Well, we do live on planet earth. But other than that it is… guess what? Arbitrary as shit!
3 Ways to Deal with Annoying Players in Online Poker Chat
Read more: 3 Ways to Deal with Annoying Players in Online Poker ChatFrom the play money games to nosebleeds, online poker is filled with jerks who will use chat to demean other players and celebrate their own superiority, real or imagined. (It’s almost always imagined).
Breaking Bad
Read more: Breaking BadIt’s a great show, but I’m sick of hearing you yap about it.
The Poseidon Adventure (Seven Things I Love About…)
Read more: The Poseidon Adventure (Seven Things I Love About…)7. Gene Hackman Yeah, buddy, I’ll see your Popeye Doyle and raise you a Rupert Anderson. And here’s a Little Bill Daggett to up the stakes. And then maybe you’ll come within a nautical mile of Rev. Frank Scott, to date the most fully realized character in Gene Hackman’s long and storied career, as well…
College Basketball Conference Tournaments: A Rant
Read more: College Basketball Conference Tournaments: A RantHere we are down to the final Sunday, where most conferences are showcasing conference championship games. Basketball conference tournaments are grueling affairs, and what do they accomplish?
Everything About The Woody Allen Allegations. Everything.
Read more: Everything About The Woody Allen Allegations. Everything.And now, prepare to be engrossed by the misery of other people and the shittines of our species.
The 15 Minute Rule: Abandon Ship on the Following Movies
Read more: The 15 Minute Rule: Abandon Ship on the Following MoviesWatching some movies is like riding a submarine into the deep. The pressure of outright bad threatens to crush the soul of the innocent viewer. Surface before you get too deep.
The Bible: A Book Review
Read more: The Bible: A Book ReviewWhat the Bible really is, is a collection of books that loosely chronicle the history of some primitive and very violent people who by their own coronation, somehow were the chosen people of the God they invented.
Doctor on Faith Healing Hoax and Religiously Impaired Parents
Read more: Doctor on Faith Healing Hoax and Religiously Impaired ParentsMineral water, green veg, and prayer. Over 500 years since the printing press was invented, and we still do this shit?