Category: Memorable Movie Scenes
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 52
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 52There are many memorable scenes in this cheesy sci-fi horror flick, but the funniest and most satisfying ones are the bitching and griping from the head of the lady who had lost her body.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 27
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Featured Posts, Features, Memorable Movie Scenes, Movies, Reviews, The Gene Hackman ChroniclesTag(s):
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 27With movies like Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks accomplished the impossible, movies that could never be made today. The Frankenstein movie contained one of the greatest supporting casts ever, but one cameo appearance trumped all the rest.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 54
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 54This is the opening scene in the bar, where John Russell disciplines a range bum who was disrespecting two Indians, and the tempo of Russell’s screen presence was set
The Unsung & Memorable Movie Scene Part 53: T-Bone Waitress, Hell or High Water (2016)
Read more: The Unsung & Memorable Movie Scene Part 53: T-Bone Waitress, Hell or High Water (2016)The movies and television have never failed to give us memorable waitresses over the years, from “Kiss my grits!” Flo to the Hold the Chicken Lady from Five Easy Pieces.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 51
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 51Pryor’s antics were priceless. They were mostly silent lamentations, gently weeping and babbling while Grossberger pinned him to the bunk with his girth.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 50
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 50There are numerous Memorable Movie dinner scenes. Some are hilarious, like the exploding turkey in Christmas Vacation and the “How much for the girl” dinner scene in the movie Blues Brothers.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 49
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 49Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Holy Grail is the greatest comedy ever made. It is outrageously original and infinitely quotable. To try to pick just one memorable scene in this masterpiece is not feasible, but the encounter with King Arthur and the Black Knight was inspired.
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 48
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 48Movie: The Big Lebowski The Big Lebowski Is one of the funniest and most unique comedies ever made. The characters are as memorable as they are hilarious; as are the outrageous scenes that involve the familiar stable of favorite actors that the Coen’s always manage to assemble. John Goodman is superior as Walter, the unhinged…
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 47
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 47“Don’t take this as creepy or nothing, but I’m guessing your head weighs at least ten pounds.“ Movie: Back To The Future Where would Gen-X be without this film? A teenager gets sent into the past only to endanger the fortuitous meeting of his parents and by extension, erasing him and his siblings from history.…
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 46
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 46Movie: Moon The entire movie is one long memorable scene. Moon is a movie starring Sam Rockwell and no one else save Kevin Spacey, who is the voice of the robot Gerty. This movie is a low budget movie (5 million dollars), but it is one of the best sci-fi space movies ever created. Any…