Category: Horror Movies
Radar Men from the Moon ( 1952)
Read more: Radar Men from the Moon ( 1952)Long before the Rocketeer there was Command Cody, (later, Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe) and his atomic powdered jet pack, which enabled him to buzz around the air like a determined insect.
The Fly (1958)
Read more: The Fly (1958)I have been asked before what horror movie was the scariest or the best of all time, and for this I would have to go with Alien for sheer competence, terror and technical excellence. However, if you are merely 9 years old, and quite the naive little impressionable twat, this movie terrified me like nothing…
Exploring the Evolution of Horror Films Over Decades
Read more: Exploring the Evolution of Horror Films Over DecadesHorror films have a particular position in our shared imagination. They portray what frightens us at any moment in time. From silent, dark classics to contemporary supernatural pop thrillers.
Nosferatu (2024 Remake): Devon’s thoughts
Read more: Nosferatu (2024 Remake): Devon’s thoughtsEggers’ Nosferatu is a rasping fever dream, acutely steeped in the imagery and iconology of plague and contagion. Eggers has made an elevated horror adaptation of the classic, one where the environment runs far ahead of the monster, who Eggers uses as sparingly as possible.
Horror Movies on Netflix and other streaming services: Satan/Cults
Read more: Horror Movies on Netflix and other streaming services: Satan/CultsI usually gorge on horror movies on Netflix sometime around Halloween. This time I did it around New Years.
Troll 2 (1990)
Read more: Troll 2 (1990)A Sheriff named Freak, orchestrates the kidnapping of unsuspecting tourists, force-feeds them green slime, and turns them into trees, all so the little buggers can devour the plant people in a slobber-filled orgy
Nosferatu (2024) and Bringing Vampires Back to the Horror Genre
Read more: Nosferatu (2024) and Bringing Vampires Back to the Horror GenreVampires rarely seem to fade into the shadows of the entertainment industry. The iconic horror creatures are simply too well-known and loved to not be drawn from regularly by writers and filmmakers
Christmas Evil (1980)
Read more: Christmas Evil (1980)This movie was originally billed as a routine Christmas Horror/Slasher flick. Somewhere along the way, it altered course. Christmas Evil became darker, creepier and more sinister as time passed. The character development elevated it into a Holiday Classic of incremental insanity. This was one of the strangest films I have ever seen.
Nosferatu (2024)
Read more: Nosferatu (2024)For me to doze off during a movie in a theater, I usually have to be exhausted, or the movie has to be incredibly boring or uninteresting. While I didn’t fall completely asleep during Nosferatu, I threatened it many times.
What’s The Deal With Women In Horror Movies?
Read more: What’s The Deal With Women In Horror Movies?I thought of three primary reasons we like to watch girls chased around by maniacs.