Category: Features
Land-Based Casinos Suck – You Should Only Play at Online Casinos
Read more: Land-Based Casinos Suck – You Should Only Play at Online CasinosRead the title again. And again. And again. Keep reading it until you agree. Still don’t? Let me explain to you why you should only be playing online casinos instead of physical casinos. Why Land-Based Casinos Are Terrible If you’ve ever been inside a casino then you know how dreadful it can be. You walk…
Jojo Rabbit
Read more: Jojo RabbitI was headed towards The Cinemark in Fort Collins, with every intention of watching Joker, but I was running late for some reason. Another featured movie caught my eye, Jojo Rabbit, a film about some dumb little Nazi Youth Kid and a goofy-looking Hitler. “No way!” I thought, but then I noticed Sam Rockwell and…
5 Bollywood Movies You Need To Watch Soon
Read more: 5 Bollywood Movies You Need To Watch SoonIndia is a country famous for its robust entertainment industry. In actuality, the nation has realized tremendous growth in its Bollywood franchise over the years, something that continues to date. Today, Hindi Cinema is worth over five hundred million dollars. Nevertheless, why is Bollywood prominent? One, Bollywood features some of the best actors in the…
Doctor Sleep
Read more: Doctor SleepYou won’t be dozing off in this one. The climax of Doctor Sleep really confused me because it takes place at the Overlook hotel (this is shown in the trailer). For the record, I have managed to watch Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of The Shining exactly one time and that was decades ago. Despite it being…
NFL Week 10: What’s The Difference Between Whinge and Moan Edition?
Read more: NFL Week 10: What’s The Difference Between Whinge and Moan Edition?I’m in a tough spot. Despite literally working for Goat, the whole quick goat thinking concept is beyond me, so I am at a loss. Generally, the first paragraph is either a celebration or rumination regarding the games of the previous week. This is usually the paragraph for therapeutic cheer-leading or the tempering of expectations,…
Terminator: Dark Fate: What Else?
Read more: Terminator: Dark Fate: What Else?Terminator: Dark Fate bears the visual stamp of James Cameron, regardless of the screen credit. Cameron understands a good action sequence is made with little bits of film; shots of only a few frames, that when edited together moves the action faster than the eye can behold, creating the action more in the mind of…
Terminator: Dark Fate
Read more: Terminator: Dark FateHave you seen this bo- …er, girl? Every franchise hits that point where it either has to start over, switch to prequels, or ignore much of what came before it in order to keep audiences coming back for more. The Alien franchise did it with Prometheus, choosing to go the prequel route. The Predator franchise…
NFL Week 9: Deadspin’s Eulogy Edition
Read more: NFL Week 9: Deadspin’s Eulogy EditionHey, kids, have you enjoyed the strong back-to-back collections? If you’ve followed along the last two weekends, you are up ten units, and I absolutely love it. Since I make every bet I publish, I myself am riding the mini-wave. College has gone well too. Hell, back in Atlantic City I hit some genuinely big…
A Junkie’s Guide To Addiction Recovery
Read more: A Junkie’s Guide To Addiction RecoveryHello gang, my name is Devin. I was born in 1984, therefore I am what the media refers to as a millennial. I also have no fucking idea what that title means. I hate taking selfies, I’m not into what do kids refer to as, “Netflix and chill.” I can’t stand watching reality TV, and…
NFL Week 8: National Astronaut Baseball Edition
Read more: NFL Week 8: National Astronaut Baseball Edition*lights go down* *awkward silence* *chubby bald man kicks door open* HIT MY MOTHER FUCKING MUSIC! That’s right, gang. First clean sweep of the year, and not a minute too soon. Obviously, cometh the fire, cometh the siren; this won’t happen every week. However, for the time being, or at least the length of this…