Category: Features
The Hospital (1971)
Read more: The Hospital (1971)Words that snap, sizzle, and exist far beyond the need to push the story forward.
Read more: MonstersLike most boys, I quickly developed a love for monsters and supernatural creatures, a morbid fascination only deepened by devouring the novels of Guy N. Smith.
Beetlejuice (1988)
Read more: Beetlejuice (1988)Beetlejuice is a wildly outrageous film made by the great Tim Burton. This is a film that demands multiple viewings to be fully appreciated. Beetlejuice was initially supposed to be a horror movie
The ABC’s of the New Testament: Who’s Your Daddy Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of the New Testament: Who’s Your Daddy EditionAlpha & Omega Quoting Jesus in the bizarre book of Revelations: “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. (Revelations 22:13) Christians gleefully point to a verse in the Old Testament (Isaiah 44:6) and make claims of fulfilled prophecy and proof that Jesus is indeed God. Using claims, directly copped from earlier…
The ABC’s of BBQ-Smoking the Meat Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of BBQ-Smoking the Meat EditionSalivations 1:1 Verily,verily I say unto thee, an open flame shall not touch thy cooking flesh or thine days will be numbered before you are cast into the lake of ire. Goatesians 1:2-4 The only way to the BBQ is with the meat. It is blasphemous and very naughty in my wholly site for thou…
The ABC’s of Marriage
Read more: The ABC’s of MarriageDisillusionment-The stage of marriage after Romance and before Misery.
Foreigners, Eh? Guess They’re All Right
Read more: Foreigners, Eh? Guess They’re All RightThis article is dedicated to the 2024 Olympics in Paris
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Read more: Blazing Saddles (1974)Outrageous movies? There is one movie that stands alone at the top of the list. It is a movie that shamelessly and hilariously exploits racism, sexism, gays, bodily functions, horses, and a poor oaf like Mongo. I present, Blazing Saddles
We Can’t Interfere With People’s Beliefs*
Read more: We Can’t Interfere With People’s Beliefs*I used to be an ESL teacher and I’ll never forget having a chat with my students about ill health and medicine. A Nepalese woman told the class she once caught a life-threatening fever and was immeasurably grateful to her husband for beating her up. It was one of those blink-a-few-times sort of moment as…
The Metric System Is Stupid
Read more: The Metric System Is StupidThe metric system is, of course, based on measuring everything using the circumference of the earth. Why? Well, we do live on planet earth. But other than that it is… guess what? Arbitrary as shit!