Category: Features
The ABC’s of Global Warming: Goodbye Florida Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of Global Warming: Goodbye Florida EditionAdiabatic Lapse Rate– This is basically the impact that the change in atmospheric pressure has with altitude on a parcel of air. These rates are distinguished by wet/dry and involve transfer of heat by induction. Wait! Are you kidding me? We have Saudi Clerics preaching in 2015 that the sun revolves around the earth.…
The Art of Darkness: Apocalypse Now & Full Metal Jacket
Read more: The Art of Darkness: Apocalypse Now & Full Metal Jacket“War is hell,” the cliche’ proclaims, but it seems to be entertaining hell. Along with other ghastly subjects such as murder and vampirism, war ranks among the most popular and commonly used subject matter of filmed entertainment.
Macho Idiots
Read more: Macho IdiotsThere’s a terrific scene in The Terminator when Arnie strides into a nightclub looking for Sarah Connor. A bouncer tries to stop him by slapping a hand on his shoulder, but our futuristic hit man doesn’t even bother looking around. Instead, he grabs the offending limb and gives the fool a taste of his cybernetic…
The Hidden (1987)
Read more: The Hidden (1987)If you’re a seething fantasist, a deeply immature guy incubating warped daydreams about making ’em all pay, then The Hidden is right up your dark little alley
How Advances in CubeSat Camera Technology Shape Scientific Research
Read more: How Advances in CubeSat Camera Technology Shape Scientific ResearchCubeSats emerged as an educational project, but the evolution of CubeSat cameras and systems today allows researchers to use this technology for deep space exploration and advanced scientific research. Discover the most notable applications below.
Fucked-Up Films #7: 10 To Midnight (1983)
Read more: Fucked-Up Films #7: 10 To Midnight (1983)What are these sick bastards doing? Celibacy makes you kill people. Sex gets you killed. Christ, what’s a person s’posed to do?
My Life Of Crime
Read more: My Life Of CrimeI once nicked a computer from work. It had been lying around unused in the district office for ages so I thought no one would notice. And for a couple of months they didn’t. Then someone wanted it, it wasn’t there, and the none-too-pleased boss told me to file a report with the cops, most…
What’s The Deal With Women In Horror Movies?
Read more: What’s The Deal With Women In Horror Movies?I thought of three primary reasons we like to watch girls chased around by maniacs.
Reflections on Halloween and other essential holidays
Read more: Reflections on Halloween and other essential holidaysIt isn’t important to celebrate Halloween, that’s what’s so good about it. Have you ever tried to blow off Thanksgiving? It’s like spitting on your mother.
Starring Debuts #3: Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween (1978)
Read more: Starring Debuts #3: Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween (1978)The most surprising thing about Jamie Lee Curtis’ career-launching turn as Laurie Strode in this late seventies slasher is how dull she is for nearly all of it. And I don’t mean dull in an interesting way.