Category: Features
Murder, Torture & Religion
Read more: Murder, Torture & ReligionMurder and torture are as old as humanity. Ever since man first invented the club, he probably used it to kill another caveman. Murder in the name of religion probably wasn’t very far behind. Overzealous faith has been used as an excuse to torture and kill since the beginning of recorded history. What follows are…
Annoying Fuckers
Read more: Annoying FuckersMost people are annoying. It doesn’t matter whether they’re a droning colleague, that snarky online twat who just won’t see sense, some random queue jumper, a younger sibling, the halitosis-afflicted taxi driver taking the long way round, a right wing foreign president, a neighbor loudly playing music or that hotty in the supermarket who looks…
The ABC’s of Midgets
Read more: The ABC’s of MidgetsInside the Lollipop Guild.
Forrest Gump: The Movie We Love (To Loathe)
Read more: Forrest Gump: The Movie We Love (To Loathe)There is one movie that has upset me so deeply that I cannot help but write a rant about it. For years this film has been praised and lauded ad nauseum, and I’m sick of it.
The ABC’s of Breakups
Read more: The ABC’s of BreakupsSex Memories: The only worthwhile wreckage from a dramatic split are those moments, etched in your gray matter, of tangled limbs, colliding…
The Lion In Winter (1968)
Read more: The Lion In Winter (1968)The Lion In Winter is the greatest movie ever to only win 3 Oscars, with another Academy slap in the face to Peter O’Toole. I guess that the Academy reveres retards the mentally and emotionally challenged (Charly and Forrest Gump) more than Saving Private Ryan and Peter O’Toole.
The 7 Types of Addicts You Meet Working in a Pharmacy
Read more: The 7 Types of Addicts You Meet Working in a PharmacyI Spilled My Meds Down the Sink (odd how this never happens with antibiotics), My Meds Got Stolen, You Must Have Miscounted,
Read more: RegretsFresh off another round of treatment – not the noble, heroic, radiator treatment… but, you know, the other kind, I’ve been ruminating on a number of things. Specifically, regrets.
The ABC’s of Hard Drugs
Read more: The ABC’s of Hard DrugsYou’ve stolen cars and held pistols to heads but now you’re groveling to an abusive counselor regarding a sleeve of Fig Newtons…
Total Recall (1990)
Read more: Total Recall (1990)Arnold was classic Arnold and he never disappoints us with his disdain for anything hetero. As the movie opened, he was naked, oiled and in bed with a very hot Sharon Stone on top of him, but he could not have cared less