Category: Featured Posts
Starring debuts #20: Lorraine Stanley in London to Brighton (2006)
Read more: Starring debuts #20: Lorraine Stanley in London to Brighton (2006)“Nice isn’t it? To see a bit of color.” So says Kelly (Stanley) as she looks at the green fields through a train window on the way from London to the seaside. It’s a banal observation and yet so telling. There is no color in Kelly’s life. No joy, no hope, no normality. Every day…
Delta-Endorsed Bonkery -or-the Southern Gothic Metric of Madness
Read more: Delta-Endorsed Bonkery -or-the Southern Gothic Metric of MadnessMen behaving badly is the foundation of international drama. Since you need conflict, you need a motivation for bad behavior. I first learned to write in the smoky southern bars off the main college drag. I was haunted by cream-suited artistes sitting at the same booth, hunched over the same manuscript and nursing the same…
My brain…? It’s my second favorite organ.
Read more: My brain…? It’s my second favorite organ.Woody Allen is a prolific artist who’s been making roughly a film a year since the late sixties. His timid yet talkative onscreen persona (simultaneously intellectual and stupid, riddled with self-doubt and wrapped up in his weedy, balding, bespectacled frame) surely places him among the most distinctive film stars of all time. It’s a double-edged…
Blast Of Cannon: Part 2
Read more: Blast Of Cannon: Part 2Lifeforce (1985) Horror director Tobe Hooper made three flicks with Cannon in rapid succession, but the relationship only further sullied his artistic reputation. Together they coughed up the derided remake Invaders from Mars, a comedic sequel to his blistering Texas Chainsaw, and the box office bomb Lifeforce. Still, at least this sci-fi flick has reached…
Little Monsters (1989)
Read more: Little Monsters (1989)On its surface, Little Monsters is merely a fun, visually compelling mashup of Peter Pan and Beetlejuice, as well as a movie that seriously overestimates the charms of one Howie Mandel. Beneath that surface, its intended subtext taps into common childhood anxieties about moving to a new place, fitting in, and the overwhelming dread that…
Blast of Cannon: Part 1
Read more: Blast of Cannon: Part 1You’ve probably heard of MGM and United Artists, but what about the very lovely Cannon Films? It was a studio that took on the Hollywood big boys in the 1980s. For a glorious, plate-spinning few years it became the world’s largest independent movie production company, cranking out up to six low-budget pictures a month. How…
Fucked-Up Films #6: Romper Stomper (1992)
Read more: Fucked-Up Films #6: Romper Stomper (1992)Film Title Romper Stomper Synopsis Heil Crowe! Director Geoffrey Wright Cast Russell Crowe Daniel Pollock Jacqueline McKenzie Alex Scott What are these sick bastards doing? Worshipping the Third Reich, threatening to chop people’s legs off with an ax, mourning decapitated mothers, and terrorizing the Vietnamese in a Melbournian suburb. Is the villain any good? The…
Starring debuts #18: Mark Hamill & Harrison Ford in Star Wars (1977)
Read more: Starring debuts #18: Mark Hamill & Harrison Ford in Star Wars (1977)Star Wars remains the dog’s bollocks, a bona fide pop culture phenomenon, and an astonishing exercise in world-building with its fucking cool light sabers, eye-melting hyperspace travel, hokey Jedi mind tricks, planet annihilation, and lovable stormtroopers, none of whom are capable of hitting a cow’s ass with a banjo. Only a retard can fail to…
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
Read more: Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985)Tagline: Two men enter, one man leaves, unless there are special needs. Entire Story in Fewer Words Than Are in This Sentence: Max is banished for refusing to kill a grinning retard. Homoeroticism: Like in The Road Warrior, many men are dressed like they are going to a gay bondage convention, but the homoeroticism is…
The Shawshank Redemption
Read more: The Shawshank RedemptionFor a movie that featured busting a load in another man’s mouth as repeated punishment for (and get a load of this) resisting the idea of taking the load to begin with, The Shawshank Redemption struck me as surprisingly tame during its first hour. Though never shown, this was twice insinuated to the victimized protagonist…