Comfortable and Furious

Category: Featured Posts

  • Hell Or High Water

    Hell Or High Water

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    I had been intending to watch this movie for a long time. I was intrigued by that famous gas station fight scene, which I ran across on YouTube. I’ve probably watched it over a half a dozen times, and it is a very satisfying seeing some young punk getting a well-deserved comeuppance. Let me get…

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  • Beast


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    “Beast” – I’m not a lion tamer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I often wonder what it is about any given movie that makes people like or dislike it. For example, I recently screened Emily the Criminal, a movie so uninteresting and lacking entertainment value that every time I…

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  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train

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    “Bullet Train” – Come on ride the train. As I struggled to come up with a theme for my review of Bullet Train, I skimmed through other, early reviews for ideas. To my surprise, Bullet Train has divided other critics almost right down the middle (currently sitting at 53% positive on Rotten Tomatoes; 49 on…

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  • Prey


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    “Prey” – We can still see you Mr. Predator guy. I don’t know who is clamoring for more Predator movies, let alone one that takes place in colonial America, but Prey is the latest installment in the Predator franchise. Clearly, neither does Twentieth Century Studios, as Prey is going directly to Hulu+. Do they really…

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  • Nope: Devon’s take

    Nope: Devon’s take

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    2 hrs 10 minutes, Rated R for face ripping and misadventures with barb wire. Fair Value of Jordan Peele’s Nope: $16.00. This is a smart reinvention of the flying saucer movie that is mildly scary but well paced and entertaining, with enough commentary as to reward a second watching. The lonely valleys of the Southwest:…

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  • DC League of Super-Pets

    DC League of Super-Pets

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    Now that my son is double-digits old, he’s within shouting distance of the point where he is no longer the target audience for movies like DC League of Super-Pets and I’m going to have to start writing my own reviews of these flicks. But, not yet. What I will say is Warner Brothers really needs…

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  • Nope


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    “Nope” – Yep. The meteoric rise of Jordan Peele in the film world brings to mind the same rise that M. Night Shyamalan experienced. While Shyamlan’s directorial debut (Wide Awake) was an absolute bomb, his next three films (The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs) were widely acclaimed and box office successes. Plus, The Sixth Sense…

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  • Yojimbo


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    A tall dark stranger ambles into a rural japanese town…and proceeds to lop off forty arms, half a dozen legs, the occasional head and ALL ORGANIZED CRIME, in a matter of three days, thus is the seemingly straightforward but, in practice, delightfully tangled knot of betrayal and deceit in Akira Kurasawa’s masterpiece of samurai ass-whoopery…

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  • Blaxploitation #8: Coffy (1973)

    Blaxploitation #8: Coffy (1973)

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    What the hell are these crazy cats up to? Coffy’s eleven-year-old sister is in a juvenile rehab center trying to kick smack. It’s obviously time for our heroine to tackle LA’s growing drug problem by setting up a Neighborhood Watch, noting down any suspicious activity and passing on the information to those upstanding boys in…

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  • The Blob (1958)

    The Blob (1958)

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    When I was just a young punk, there was a lot less to do and think about than there is now, and in retrospect, that was a very good thing. My life consisted of mostly going to school, going to church every Sunday morning, evening, Wednesday afternoon and the dreaded Prayer Meeting on Wednesday night.…

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