Category: Featured Posts
Essential Features for Every Successful Trader’s Toolkit
Read more: Essential Features for Every Successful Trader’s ToolkitAre you looking to elevate your trading game to the next level? Wondering which tools and features can give you a competitive edge in the financial markets? In the world of trading, having the right toolkit can make all the difference.
The Metric System Is Stupid
Read more: The Metric System Is StupidThe metric system is, of course, based on measuring everything using the circumference of the earth. Why? Well, we do live on planet earth. But other than that it is… guess what? Arbitrary as shit!
Stand By Me (1986)
Read more: Stand By Me (1986)Stand By Me (1986) was one of those magical movies about growing up that might come along only once in a lifetime
The Unsung: Pete Seltzer in Pete ‘n’ Tillie
Read more: The Unsung: Pete Seltzer in Pete ‘n’ TillieIt took nearly a half-century of cinematic devotion, but it’s finally come to pass. “It” being the sight – in full color Cinemascope, mind you – of Walter Matthau sitting naked at a piano, banging out the liveliest Ragtime ditty you’re ever likely to hear.
Read more: MeruMore than 4,000 people have conquered the summit of Mt. Everest since Sir Edmund Hillary first did it in 1953. Only 3 men have summited Meru, and this was in 2011. No one has done it since.
Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks
Read more: Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil SheiksAs you know, I’m a fan of Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS, a prime example of tongue-in-cheek Nazisploitation immeasurably helped by Thorne’s vampish outing
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Americana
Read more: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of AmericanaA few years ago I took a nice road trip, a 2,000 mile journey through Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska. According to the world of Matt Cale there is no bad Americana, but I beg to differ
Read more: NightcrawlerDespite being categorically different in tone, Nightcrawler is similar to Carancho in featuring cottage industries named in generic, often pejorative fashion
A Patch of Blue
Read more: A Patch of BlueA calm, encouraging childhood is a wonderful thing. So are education and perhaps the odd role model.
God speaks out about attorneys
Read more: God speaks out about attorneysMike Johnson is a man who believes God created everything for a reason. After a long week that included listening to a close friend complain about his divorce attorney, another friend complains about his defense attorney, his sister complains about a self-righteous prosecutor, and a brother who was had just begun dealing with an accident…