Author: Matthew MacDonald
Under the Burning Sun (2025)
Read more: Under the Burning Sun (2025)Under the Burning Sun is George Miller’s Furiosa meets Coralie Fargeat’s Revenge, with echoes of I Spit On Your Grave and Boys Don’t Cry, the (literal) water carried by a lead performance reminiscent of Jodie Foster’s Nell.
Ferris Bueller’s Almost Forty (1986)
Read more: Ferris Bueller’s Almost Forty (1986)What I’ll be describing is a fresh impression of the film, from a viewing I attended last night with my mom. Cinemas here in California do a thing on Tuesday evenings, where films deemed “classic” by some combination of awards tally, cult fandom, and re-watchability are presented in high-res digital projections, either restored, upscaled, or…
The ABC’s of Breakups
Category (ies):
The ABCsTag(s):
Read more: The ABC’s of BreakupsSex Memories: The only worthwhile wreckage from a dramatic split are those moments, etched in your gray matter, of tangled limbs, colliding…
The ABC’s of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Read more: The ABC’s of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)Having just survived a year of multiple ER visits, stomach-churning injuries, multiple Cronenberg-squicky exams and, most recently, a gnarly hernia surgery I am recovering from as I pound out this screed…
Extraction, USA (2024)
Read more: Extraction, USA (2024)As a relative newcomer to the human dynamo that is writer-producer-director-editor-cinematographer-actor Leanne Johnson, I need to know what goes into her pre-workout shaker bottle.
Chowchilla (2023)
Read more: Chowchilla (2023)Let’s unbury the lead before diving into the review itself: During the summer of 1976, in the Central Californian agricultural town of Chowchilla, twenty-six children and their adult bus driver were kidnapped by three armed men.
If Anything Happens I Love You (2020)
Read more: If Anything Happens I Love You (2020)Via Netflix, I first watched this heart-pulverizing work of short-film animation a handful of years ago. It leveled me…
Mickey Hardaway (2023)
Read more: Mickey Hardaway (2023)My heart roars out to micro budget indie features, where every aspect of talent involved does their darndest to make the overall production shine.
Working in Mental Health Might Ruin Your Mental Health
Read more: Working in Mental Health Might Ruin Your Mental HealthChewed up, spat out, sucked back in, further masticated, coughed up as a thrashing babe terrified of the rising sun. The whole fucking point was to help other people with mental illness and…Christ weren’t you naive?
Nyad (2023)
Read more: Nyad (2023)“Do you know how exhausting you can be as a friend?” These words drop, with bruised affection, from the mouth of athletic legend Diana Nyad’s best friend and confidante-cum-coach Bonnie Stoll, in the third act break of Netflix Studios’ 2023 biopic, Nyad. Even if you have never felt like saying this to someone, or if…