Author: Matt
The Unsung: Malena, Alice Adams
Read more: The Unsung: Malena, Alice AdamsEnter Malena. A black woman in 1935, she is, unavoidably, a domestic. A hired gun to keep whitey from having to do the grunt work. A woman of few words and even fewer signs of underlying humanity.
The Unsung: Sharon, The Rapture (1991)
Read more: The Unsung: Sharon, The Rapture (1991)She is a slave to her passions. A hedonist, without any of the joy. She spends her days and nights in assorted assignations, using mindless labor to fund the road to nowhere.
Assholes of the Cinema: The U.S.A. Mac and Me (1988)
Read more: Assholes of the Cinema: The U.S.A. Mac and Me (1988)One of the Worst Movies You’ve Never Seen
The Unsung: Dimitri Kissof, Dr. Strangelove
Read more: The Unsung: Dimitri Kissof, Dr. StrangeloveNot only does Soviet Premier Kissof not appear onscreen, we don’t even hear the man’s voice. He’s all theoretical, like the female orgasm or a functioning democracy.
Stars Behaving Badly: Tentacles (1977)
Read more: Stars Behaving Badly: Tentacles (1977)Forget it, Jake, it’s a giant killer octopus driven crazy by Henry Fonda.
Stars Behaving Badly: The Big Cube (1969)
Read more: Stars Behaving Badly: The Big Cube (1969)Eventually, if a man lives long enough, he will bear witness to great tragedy. The death of one’s parents, terminal cancer, poverty, or, worst of all, the sight of Lana Turner, a hair shy of fifty, tripping the fuck out on LSD…For Lana Turner, a worse crime than fucking Mickey Rooney.
Charles Bronson, R.I.P.
Read more: Charles Bronson, R.I.P.What about his biography? His childhood or family life? Frankly, I don’t give a shit, nor should anyone else who claims to love film.
The Unsung: Freak 1, Death Wish (1974)
Read more: The Unsung: Freak 1, Death Wish (1974)He’s the one that started it all. Five films, a remake, and perhaps the entire ethos of 80’s Action. A single decision, on a crisp New York afternoon, unleashed the whirlwind.
When Oscar Shit the Bed: Going My Way (1944)
Read more: When Oscar Shit the Bed: Going My Way (1944)One of these days, hopefully while I still remain above ground, someone will write the definitive tale of why, for what appeared to be a period of several decades from World War II forward, Hollywood was utterly, hopelessly, and reverentially obsessed with Catholicism.
The Unsung & Memorable Movie Scene Part 53: T-Bone Waitress, Hell or High Water (2016)
Read more: The Unsung & Memorable Movie Scene Part 53: T-Bone Waitress, Hell or High Water (2016)The movies and television have never failed to give us memorable waitresses over the years, from “Kiss my grits!” Flo to the Hold the Chicken Lady from Five Easy Pieces.