Author: John Welsh
Radar Men from the Moon ( 1952)
Read more: Radar Men from the Moon ( 1952)Long before the Rocketeer there was Command Cody, (later, Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe) and his atomic powdered jet pack, which enabled him to buzz around the air like a determined insect.
Escape From Germany (2024)
Read more: Escape From Germany (2024)Escape From Germany is a film made by and for the faithful, the Latter Day Saints. The Mormons have a history of escapes. They had been driven out of New York and Ohio, settling in Missouri.
The 15 Minute Rule: Abandon Ship on the Following Movies
Read more: The 15 Minute Rule: Abandon Ship on the Following MoviesWatching some movies is like riding a submarine into the deep. The pressure of outright bad threatens to crush the soul of the innocent viewer. Surface before you get too deep.
Monster From Green Hell (1957)
Read more: Monster From Green Hell (1957)As a right thinking American, you know the greatest threats to our way of life in the 1950s was the godless commies, and I state this with all the fear and loathing it engenders, Radiation.
The Gorge (2025)
Read more: The Gorge (2025)One of the many reasons I enjoy Stranger Things is the way it deals with the audience expectation of the possible vs the impossible. The narrative contains witty dialogue delivered by charming and convincing characters.
Saturday Night (2024)
Read more: Saturday Night (2024)Saturday Night is just another installment of the media blitz attempting to convince an unsuspecting public too young to have a first-hand memory of SNL at the beginning that it was ever funny. 50 years of snooze fests, with few exceptions.
Chain Reaction (1996)
Read more: Chain Reaction (1996)It is unclear in the film if Barkley is trying for fusion energy, or extracting hydrogen from water, but it makes no difference to the story. The man is doomed the instant he archives his goal, the Result.
Boiling Point (1993)
Read more: Boiling Point (1993)Agent Jimmy Mercer, a divorced father, dreams of a closer relationship with his son. His girlfriend Vikki gave-up on dreams long ago. Red Diamond dreams of one last big score and a life with Mona, who knows dreams seldom come true.
Diplomatic Courier (1952)
Read more: Diplomatic Courier (1952)The MacGuffin here is the Soviet plans for the invasion of Yugoslavia, Tito was just a little too independent minded to suit Stalin, who was known to be very crabby at times. He already has East Germany, Poland and most of Eastern Europe so just wants to add to his collection
The Admirable Crichton (1957)
Read more: The Admirable Crichton (1957)Any viewer loyal or otherwise of Upstairs, Downstairs or Downton Abbey is clued in as to the social setup (if not, or otherwise not aware of the British Class system, you’d best stop reading now. You’ll be confused for weeks, if not months.