Author: Guy McCardle
Murder, Torture & Religion
Read more: Murder, Torture & ReligionMurder and torture are as old as humanity. Ever since man first invented the club, he probably used it to kill another caveman. Murder in the name of religion probably wasn’t very far behind. Overzealous faith has been used as an excuse to torture and kill since the beginning of recorded history. What follows are…
What type of soldiers do other soldiers dislike?
Read more: What type of soldiers do other soldiers dislike?One of the first things that strikes you when you join the military (especially if you are young and haven’t been away from home much) is the fact the armed services are a true melting pot. It was actually more like a melting pot mixed with the UN. We had white guys from the Midwest,…
Happy Sniper’s Day
Read more: Happy Sniper’s DayFrom the Editor: We get lots of mail, and hate mail too, which we love. Here is a response from a real military man that I thought would be worthy of publishing. Guy D. McCardle, Jr. is the author of several articles on a wide variety of military related topics. Guy is a former Army…
About That Life On Mars Thing
Read more: About That Life On Mars ThingSince the early days of science fiction, Martians have been part of our folklore. Sometimes they’re benevolent, often evil; but always just taken for granted as being existent. And though we’ve been to Mars lots of times, we’ve had eyes on it from the surface and from orbit, we have not yet managed to find…
Famous After His Time: Vincent Van Gogh
Read more: Famous After His Time: Vincent Van GoghVincent van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime. He titled it The Red Vineyards at Arles, and for his efforts, he received 400 francs, roughly the equivalent of $2000 today. The fact that he only sold one painting (he had traded others among fellow artists) stands in stark contrast to the fact that…
The Risk of Opening the Economy: Will There Be A Second Wave?
Read more: The Risk of Opening the Economy: Will There Be A Second Wave?Guy D McCardle not only writes for Ruthless Reviews, but he has 20+ years as a Board certified Infection Prevention Practitioner There is more than a chance. It will happen. Bookmark this answer and come back to it in about six months or so and see how right I am. It is inevitable. I don’t…
American Sniper: Another look at some unrealistic aspects of this movie
Read more: American Sniper: Another look at some unrealistic aspects of this movieBased on a true story. This is a disclaimer of sorts that you’ll see before certain films featuring tales of real-life individuals and events. Such is the case of the Clint Eastwood film, American Sniper. Kyle himself co-authored the book that the film is based on, but did not have a hand in the screenplay.…
Navy Seals That Were Crack Addicts: A True Story
Read more: Navy Seals That Were Crack Addicts: A True StoryNavy Seals That Were Crack Addicts: A True Story. There is just one that I’m aware of, and his story is nothing short of amazing. When you hear this man’s story, at some points you are proud of him, and at other times you are in disbelief of how self-destructive he once was and how…