Author: Goat
Cool Hand Luke
Read more: Cool Hand Luke“A natural born world-shaker“ Paul Newman has always been in the top tier of the greatest actors of all time. He is certainly in the company of actors like Peter O’Toole, Daniel-Day Lewis, Jack Nicholson, Richard Burton and Sidney Portier. His accomplishments as a beer drinker, race car driver, blue-eyed sex symbol and actor are…
Bodacious Ruthless BBQ Beans
Read more: Bodacious Ruthless BBQ BeansWell, why not share a recipe for BBQ Beans here at Ruthless? There is not much else going on, so we might as well celebrate July 4th with something other than beer and fireworks. There is not much that is more American than voting and BBQ, and we are about to lose the right to…
The Fly (1958)
Read more: The Fly (1958)I have been asked before what horror movie was the scariest or the best of all time, and for this I would have to go with Alien for sheer competence, terror and technical excellence. However, if you are merely 9 years old, and quite the naive little impressionable twat, this movie terrified me like nothing…
Bull Durham (1988)
Read more: Bull Durham (1988)Well, it is springtime, or so I’ve been told. For those of you who don’t know me, which is pretty much all of you, I’ve been a baseball fan and junkie for a lot of my life. Not so much lately, but in the Golden Era of Mays, Mantle and Duke Snider, I was all…
Moneyball (2011)
Read more: Moneyball (2011)I’m trying to recall the first movie that I watched with Brad Pitt; it was either 12 Monkeys or Spy Game, both excellent movies. Last night I watched a baseball movie, Moneyball, and Brad Pitt was again his magnificent self. Brad Pitt is Billy Beane, the General Manager of the 2002 Oakland A’s. Billy Beane…
Party Hard (2020)
Read more: Party Hard (2020)I am occasionally contacted by actors or directors of indie films to screen their latest movie project. I would be less than honest if I did not state that most are not worth my time because they are terrible efforts. Enough of that, because sometimes I stumble on a gem like Road To The Well.…
The Top 10 Ruthless Reviews Comedies
Read more: The Top 10 Ruthless Reviews ComediesThere really hasn’t been a lot to laugh about the last year or so. The planet has been ravaged by a deadly pandemic because a random Chinaman decided to eat a tasty bat. Millions of stupid Americans think that Donald Trump actually won the election and that America needs a king, not a democracy. A…
Animal House (1978)
Read more: Animal House (1978)Animal House is a movie that was not taken seriously when it was made. The expectations were low, and Donald Sutherland, the one big star, (Kevin Bacon’s first movie!) took a paltry lump-sum of $30,000 for his role in the movie. No university or college would let them shoot the movie at their campus until…
Bullitt (1968)
Read more: Bullitt (1968)Bullitt is an award-winning film that showcases one of the most exciting car chases ever. The 1968 fast-back Mustang used in the chase scene recently sold at auction for 3.4 million dollars, and it was in rough condition. I will be reviewing the 2-disc Special Edition DVD of this movie. Steve McQueen was one of…
12 Angry Men
Read more: 12 Angry MenIn movie jargon, the words “classic” and “masterpiece” are accolades that are tossed around quite a bit. Sometimes they are well deserved, sometimes not, and often the status is indeterminate. In the case of 12 Angry Men, there is no reasonable doubt at all about the verdict. This classic is a masterpiece and one of…