Author: Devon Pack
The Door’s Ray Manzarek: Eulogy for an Organ Player
Read more: The Door’s Ray Manzarek: Eulogy for an Organ PlayerRay Manzarek is dead, 74 years ain’t bad, but cancer…I’m sorry that’s how he had to go. May that he is infinite now. Ray Manzarek was the songwriter. Morrison was the lyricist. Morrison gave the songs of the Doors the direct empathic heft, the dizzying drop into a fever dream of bohemian revelation. John Densmore…
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Read more: Star Trek: Into DarknessThere are many who will complain about Abram’s Trek as being a cold cash grab, which it is, but they miss the point. This is storytelling as it traditionally was. Before copyright monopolized canons…
The Great Gatsby (1974)
Read more: The Great Gatsby (1974)The 1974 Gatsby vs. the 2013: Would you rather wince or yawn? Those are your options. One film is engaging but with painful exposition; the other is well acted but as dull as your grandmotherÂs house.
The Great Gatsby (2013)
Read more: The Great Gatsby (2013)We hazed our newest film cricket by making him see the new Gatsby. He describes it as a useful tool for seducing fourteen year old girls, Welcome aboard!