Search results for: “alien”
Alien: Romulus (2024)
How did you feel about Alien Resurrection? Did you like it, hate it, accept it as good enough to scratch your Alien itch? Did you refuse to watch it altogether? Were you even alive in 1997?
Alien (1979)
This movie was made on a shoestring budget and the old-fashioned way, with imagination and talent. The end result is the absolute epitome of a horror movie that only gets better with age.
Aliens (1986)
Bitches man, bitches.
Alien vs. Predator
You can read all about what’s wrong with the plot of the movie on countless other websites, and rest assured it is retarded.
Alien: Resurrection
Allow me to begin by warning those of us (myself included) who approach new Ruthless reviews with the same sort of gleeful yips a hyena may emit when approaching the rotting carcass of a blind, three-legged baby gazelle: This will not be a wholesale evisceration of Alien: Resurrection. The perceived wisdom is that this movie…
Alien 3
Alien 3– The Ninth Circle of Development Hell 1 Hour, 54 minutes. Rated R for graphic autopsies, bodily mutilation galore. Is this film worth my time? Only if you’re a David Fincher completest or somebody who likes extra-sour excursions in grim-dark. Who is this film perfect for? People who just wished that Alien was grittier,…
Alien: Covenant- Some Final Thoughts And A Timeline
Alien movies timeline
Alien: Covenant
A great use of a mulligan. After the visually pleasing, but narrative mess that was 2012’s Prometheus, and the continued misses in the video game arena, the Alien franchise has been on life support for years. To be fair, Prometheus turned something of a profit and the critical reception was favorable, but the majority of…
Alien: Covenant
Alien: Covenant. New movies in the Alien franchise are anticipated with the same level of excitement and nervousness as the Terminator movies: Both have an unassailable 80’s pedigree and are subject to an unforgiving gauntlet of public scrutiny upon every subsequent release. With Terminator, the studio’s response appears to be to re-hash precisely the same…
The ABC’s of Christmas
Alcohol– Face it, whether it be the vilest Kosher Wine, Grandmas 90 proof eggnog or just the familiar handle of Jack Daniels, you cannot get through this period without it. Besides, its the biggest holiday of the year, so you can get hammered with a minimum of repercussions. Raise a glass…to Baby Jesus. Bonus–The Christmas…