Comfortable and Furious

Vegas Vacation (1997)

Vegas Vacation 1997 A group of men in a casino

AI-generated content may be incorrect.Source: Vegas Vacation (1997) A Different Kind of Casino YouTube

In 1997, one of the most fabulous casino-themed comedy campers hit the big screen. Vegas Vacation starred comedy legends Chevy Chase, Beverly, D’Angelo, and Randy Quaid. They dazzled the crowds with uproarious entertainment. Directed by Steven Kessler, Vegas Vacation featured the Griswald family on yet another one of their madcap adventures. But this story is different—it has an enduring quality that never gets old. 

There has been renewed interest in this film thanks to the growing popularity and fanfare of social casino slot games nationwide. These non-gambling attractions are bringing out players in their droves. And many players are rekindling the spark that interested them in these Vegas-esque attractions. Vegas Vacation is an absolute riot, and it’s easy to see why movie buffs are scrambling to splurge gold coins and sweep coins on the social casino scene; it’s like reliving the magic of yesteryear!

Chevy Chase & Beverly D’Angelo Reprise their Roles as the Iconic Griswalds

A person in a yellow suit smiling

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Source: Vacation – Mr. Pappa Giorgio

Chevy Chase is the king of 80s and 90s slapstick comedy. America’s golden boy thrives on this type of role. Thanks to a stellar cast of supporting actors, including on-screen wife Ellen Griswald, brother-in-law, cousin Eddie, son Rusty Griswald, daughter Audrey Griswald, and the legendary Wayne Newton playing himself, this film came together like magic. Even today, in 2025, this crazy adventure is just as exciting as ever.

Film fans have given this a solid 5.9/10 rating from 54,000 reviews on IMDb. Granted, it’s not intelligent humor, but it hits the spot every time. The signature elements of the film resonate throughout the series, including the beautiful bronzed bodies at the Vegas swimming pool, Clark ogling over women in fancy red sports cars, and the seemingly aloof, Ellen Griswald, who fantasizes about a family-style vacation. Of course, the antagonist is rather benign in the form of Wayne Newton seeking to impress the beautiful Ellen Griswald.

A group of men playing poker

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Cousin Eddie Brings Zany Fun to Vegas Source: Best of Cousin Eddie 

Of all the casino-themed comedies out there – The Hangover not withstanding – Vegas Vacation from 1997 is well worth it. It’s 93 minutes of showstopping screen time. Plus, it has plenty of get-up-and-go, and film fans will love the throwback elements that make this an enduring classic. Popular Las Vegas destinations in the film are no longer around, but there is a sense of nostalgia for the simpler life portrayed in this fun-filled, action-packed, clean comedy. The script was beautifully carried off by a cast that had good chemistry. Cousin Eddie is sublime as the bumbling buffoon who lives out in the middle of the Nevada desert with a barefoot and pregnant wife and more kids than he can manage.

However, the casino elements of the film resonate most with Vegas fans. From their arrival in Sin City, One gets a sense of the larger-than-life appeal of Las Vegas. Its bright lights and big city action come with fast cars and scantily-clad girls as far as I can see. The jingling-jangling sound of slot machine games fills the air as an excited Clark, Rusty, and Audrey rush off to explore their newfound freedom in Las Vegas. The film’s best part centers around Rusty Griswald, who starts rolling the dice with some made guys from New Jersey.

A person in a blue shirt

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He soon becomes known as Nick Papagorgio from Yuma. The made guys consider Rusty nervous, but that’s only because he isn’t even old enough to gamble in the casinos. The film is excellent insofar as it tracks the vacation plans of every single character in the family, including Clark, who is determined to beat the game of blackjack. Cousin Eddie is intent on helping Clark recover thousands of dollars in losses, and Ellen goes off on a love soirée with Wayne Newton, Audrey and her cousin Vicky light up the town, and Rusty keeps on winning cars and lots of cash in Las Vegas. 

A person and person sitting at a table

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Viewed in perspective, this film does a bang-up job of bringing everything together beautifully. It’s the type of film that has a predictable trajectory but it works incredibly well. The casino scenes are spot on, with the characters trying their utmost to outwit the croupiers at the tables. It gets so bad for Clark that the blackjack dealer ends up feeling sorry for him and tells him to quit while he’s ahead. Today, decades later, we can still appreciate the excitement of Vegas Vacation. The series creators attempted a reboot of the Griswald family adventurous, but it pales in comparison to the original Griswald family. Kudos! 






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