We at Ruthless Reviews would not particularly object to hearing from you.
If you would like to:
Contact us about advertising or other business. We’re very fussy about who we sleep with, so include as much info including pricing structure and what you have to offer or you won’t get a response.
Have general feedback or would like to contact a writer? Same email as above. Again, it will go to someone and he will forward your mail or feedback to the appropriate writer.
Would like to write something?
Without sending in some half-assed trash that you expect us to spend 4 hours editing? No problem, again Someone might read and answer each email. We have received some really good stuff from some of our readers (some, not so much so), but again, contact the email below and someone might just answer your e-mail. If you want to attach your masterpiece, fine, but please not in something like PDF. Google docs is the stationary of choice.
Team Ruthless