Month: November 2024
A Guide to the NFL Favourites for Defensive Player of the Year
Read more: A Guide to the NFL Favourites for Defensive Player of the YearWhat a start to the NFL season it has been, filled with surprising teams and dominant contenders. In a thrilling start to the year, several players have stood out on the defensive side of the ball, and oddsmakers have certainly taken note.
Israel is Worse than You Think
Read more: Israel is Worse than You ThinkSuppose the US government claimed that Isis had some ammunition hidden in a Toronto hospital. We could blow up the hospital, kill everyone in it, and destroy the ammo. Any other course of action, and Isis would retrieve the ammo. Should we blow up the hospital? Does any part of you think we should? Can…
The Red Menace (1949)
Read more: The Red Menace (1949)In light of my late-night viewing of 1949’s The Red Menace, it became impossible to believe that the same Soviet Union that withstood a Nazi invasion was the same nation who, when pushed to expand its operation to American shores
The Unsung: Mr. Robinson, The Graduate
Read more: The Unsung: Mr. Robinson, The GraduateYou heard me. I said, Mister Robinson. You can take your middle-aged desperado, the missus of the pair, and stick her back in storage. Benjamin, monstrous louse that he is, can go back to lounging poolside.
What’s The Deal With Women In Horror Movies?
Read more: What’s The Deal With Women In Horror Movies?I thought of three primary reasons we like to watch girls chased around by maniacs.
I Am Your Crazy Facebook Friend: Israel / Palestine Edition.
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Read more: I Am Your Crazy Facebook Friend: Israel / Palestine Edition.I’m your Christian-Patriot Facebook Friend. Let met tell you a few things about myself: I’m equipped with the fiery hypocro-spite of…
The ABC’s Of The Opioid Crisis
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The ABCsTag(s):
Read more: The ABC’s Of The Opioid CrisisAddict In today’s world, this is a word that describes everyone who uses opiates, even those legally prescribed by a physician.