Month: August 2024
The Most Memorable Slot Machine Scenes in Movies
Category (ies):
Read more: The Most Memorable Slot Machine Scenes in MoviesSlot machines have become vivid images of world cinema, metaphors playing the roles of luck, risk, and fate in a film.
When Nature Attacks, Part 3: Food of the Gods (1976)
Read more: When Nature Attacks, Part 3: Food of the Gods (1976)Sweet little old Mrs. Skinner (Ida Lupino), soft-spoken and dressed like a park ranger, has gone and done a terrible thing. Feeding toxic sludge to chickens. Chaos ensues.
Films Feminism Forgot: Harriet Craig (1950)
Read more: Films Feminism Forgot: Harriet Craig (1950)A marriage without children is not only pointless, but arguably as dangerous as plutonium.
When Nature Attacks, Part 2: Frogs (1972)
Read more: When Nature Attacks, Part 2: Frogs (1972)Jason Crockett is a dick. Played by Ray Milland, only 27 years removed from the Oscar-winning The Lost Weekend, Crockett wastes away in his wheelchair,
When Nature Attacks, Part One: Squirm (1976)
Read more: When Nature Attacks, Part One: Squirm (1976)The opening crawl – ominous, spare, and all-too-revealing of a film lacking the budget to show rather than tell – speaks to a developing horror about to befall a small Southern town
Assholes of the Cinema: Claire Bloom in Look Back in Anger
Read more: Assholes of the Cinema: Claire Bloom in Look Back in AngerJimmy is hateful, miserable, self-serving, and disgusting, so naturally, Helena falls in love.
The ABC’s of BBQ-Smoking the Meat Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of BBQ-Smoking the Meat EditionSalivations 1:1 Verily,verily I say unto thee, an open flame shall not touch thy cooking flesh or thine days will be numbered before you are cast into the lake of ire. Goatesians 1:2-4 The only way to the BBQ is with the meat. It is blasphemous and very naughty in my wholly site for thou…
It Ends With Us (2024)
Read more: It Ends With Us (2024)Time to dust off a cliched movie critic question – who is this movie even for? Read the room.
Kurosawa (2002)
Read more: Kurosawa (2002)Non-fucked up Japanese culture. This is the best way to spend a few hours with one of the greatest filmmakers who ever lived.
Assholes of the Cinema: Andre Gregory in My Dinner With Andre
Read more: Assholes of the Cinema: Andre Gregory in My Dinner With AndreAndre Gregory is out of his fucking mind. Over a century plus of cinematic miracles, the greatest of all is that Mr. Gregory never spent a long stint in a mental hospital.