Month: December 2022
My Year In Movies: 2022 Edition
Read more: My Year In Movies: 2022 Edition“My Year in Movies – 2022 Edition” – Was I talking about gas? It’s been a couple years, but we’re finally back to the film world resembling something like pre-Covid times. This is good news, because the world outside of film continues to resemble a horror show. As I said back at the end of…
Andrew Tate: Hoisted By Hubris
Read more: Andrew Tate: Hoisted By Hubris2022 has been a banner year for celebrities setting themselves on fire. We had Will Smith’s career-ending stupidity at the Oscars and the never-ending story of the world’s richest fool, Elon Musk. As always, being an election year, there were a whole slew of Trump worshiping nitwits who all went down in a blaze of…
Nasty Fuckers: Part One
Read more: Nasty Fuckers: Part OneHeroes are OK but when it comes to memorability, villains tend to piss all over ’em. This glaring divergence has long plagued creators and can be traced back at least as far as Shakespeare. Take The Merchant of Venice. Shylock’s vengeful demand for a pound of flesh ensures his status as an all-time bad guy,…
Squishier Things
Read more: Squishier ThingsSince it’s apparently that time of year again to get all squishy about family and ‘gezelligheid’ and all that shit, I thought I’d make a little list of my favorite end-of-year movies, in no particular order. Enjoy. The Hobbit Once, a long, long time ago in a universe far, far away, I rented a VCR…
White Noise (2022)
Read more: White Noise (2022)It’s award consideration season, so here’s my consideration. Synopsis Won’t anyone pay attention to what’s really happening? Writing I don’t know what’s really happening. The film has a very distinct three act structure that would have been better suited as vignettes. The first act introduces Professor Jack Gladney (Adam Driver), an expert in Adolf Hitler…
The Lighthouse
Read more: The LighthouseAfter virtually giving up on movies this year, I was thrilled with Parasite and even more so with The Lighthouse. There are no words to adequately describe how terrifyingly haunting and beautiful this movie was. This film will wreck you. It is David Lynch, only on steroids, and with some Kubrick and Lovecraft for good…
The Wolf of Wall Street
Read more: The Wolf of Wall StreetWhen hiring a midget for your office party, please, for chrissakes, hire the one willing to show his cock.
أين تشاهد مقاطع فيديو XNXX
Category (ies):
Read more: أين تشاهد مقاطع فيديو XNXXأصبحت أفلام XNXX مطلوبة بشدة عبر الإنترنت، لأنها تقدم مشاهد إباحية عالية الجودة بدقة HD أو حتى 4K مع الجنس الشرجي، أو نساء يجلسن على الماعز، أو استمناء مثليات، أو ممارسة الجنس في ثلاثات أو في مجموعات أكبر، ولكن أيضًا العديد من المتغيرات الأخرى التي يفضلها المستهلكون من هذا النوع. يمكنك العثور على أفلام XNXX…
The Big Knife
Read more: The Big KnifeA hundred years ago the gentleman detective in the form of Philo Vance was extremely popular. The crimes he solved tended to be artificial and complex. The hard-boiled detective in the form of Sam Spade and the Continental Op were a reaction to this artificiality. Raymond Chandler wrote The Simple Art of Murder in reaction).…
Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 34
Read more: Memorable Movie Scenes: Part 34Movie: Amadeus Synopsis: Mozart dies an orchestrated death while orchestrating a death mass for his dead father assisted by a man who brought death on his own dad and now wants Mozart dead because God orchestrated Mozart’s music to mock him and now he makes like Mozart’s dead dad to make Mozart make a death…