Month: January 2021
Why and how is Donald Trump so popular with half the United States?
Read more: Why and how is Donald Trump so popular with half the United States?The relationship between Donald Trump and his ardent supporters reminds me of that great classic TV show, Amos & Andy. Kingfish is Trump and he is always very convincing and compelling to Andy. Andy represents all of Trump’s die-hard sycophant and supporters, loyal to the end. No matter how outrageous the scheme is, or how…
High On Heels (2020)
Read more: High On Heels (2020)I get several requests every year from indie film makers, inviting me to screen and review their movies. Some of these, like The Road To The Well, are near masterpieces, but most are a total waste of time, being poorly made vanity projects. High On Heels is a well-made 45 minute documentary on a phenomena…
The ABC’s Of The Ku Klux Klan And Their Updated Motivations
Read more: The ABC’s Of The Ku Klux Klan And Their Updated MotivationsThis world of ours has seen too much hate being spread, and it is heart-wrenching that instead of making love, we chose to make war (Jason Derulo is extremely displeased!). When we all thought that the Civil War was finally over and that America would smoothly transition towards the Reconstruction Period, out came one of…
Diary Of A Serial Killer-aka Rough Draft (1998)
Read more: Diary Of A Serial Killer-aka Rough Draft (1998)Right from the opening frame of the 1998 straight-to-video thriller Diary of a Serial Killer (aka Rough Draft), it is obviously a cheesy affair. The score, with its heavy saxophone wailing and bombastic drum-machine track, feels more like something from the 80s than the late 90s, and the rest of the movie feels the same way. Our protagonist,…
Is the US Poker Boom Dead?
Category (ies):
Read more: Is the US Poker Boom Dead?Poker is perhaps one of the most strategic games on the casino floor. Poker’s popularity increased manyfold between the 1980s through the early 2000s where casinos installed plush poker rooms to accommodate the massive inflow of enthusiastic punters looking to try their hands at the game. However, the tide has turned at least for now.…
Dragged Across Concrete
Read more: Dragged Across ConcreteS. Craig Zahler has been accused, even by those who (rightly) praised his first two features, of harboring a reactionary worldview, and Dragged Across Concrete feels like his response to this criticism in much the same way that The House That Jack Built felt like Lars Von Trier’s response to critics who see his work…
Donald Trump: The Arrogance Of Power And Lack of Accountability Edition
Read more: Donald Trump: The Arrogance Of Power And Lack of Accountability EditionCongress has officially confirmed the Electoral College victory of Biden and Harris. To all the Trumpers, thugs, evangelicals, preachers and right-wing pundits, where is your God now? How can you not say that this is God’s will, if you believe in that sort of thing? The overwhelming support of Christians for Donald Trump exposes the…
The Good Girl
Read more: The Good GirlThe Good Girl is a good movie. Not great, and not particularly memorable.
My Year in Movies – 2020 Edition – Worst. Year. Ever
Read more: My Year in Movies – 2020 Edition – Worst. Year. EverHere are some quotes that have not aged well, due to 2020 being a rotten asshole of a year. “Luckily, we haven’t gone so far down the rabbit hole that we all can’t sit in a theater and enjoy a film together.” “As usual, and despite the continued predictions that a fill-in-the-blank-enemy will force theaters…
Everything You Need to Know About CBD Oil for Pets
Read more: Everything You Need to Know About CBD Oil for PetsCBD oil products for pets have become all the rage, pet owners from all over the world are trying different tinctures and edibles to help their furry friends cope with symptoms caused by medical conditions. When you buy these products from credible and passionate online dispensers, you are guaranteed a quality that meets the highest…