Comfortable and Furious

Month: March 2020

  • The Way Back

    The Way Back

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    Yellow-bellied and lily-livered. The last time I played organized basketball, I was a sophomore in high school. Our team sucked. We finished the season 1-11, mostly due to the fact that we were playing against teams featuring kids who could dunk (we could not), but also the fact that our coach was an idiot. He…

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  • A simple online casino guide for beginners

    A simple online casino guide for beginners

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    All your friends are passionate about the world of online casinos and you are wondering if you should also engage in this venture. You may have many questions about how it all works and how to select a reliable website before spending money. Because you’re not the only one who needs a guide for online…

    Read more: A simple online casino guide for beginners
  • Carlito’s Way

    Carlito’s Way

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    If it was my movie, it would have been Kleinfeld’s Way

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  • Adaptation


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    A truly original motion picture is, like a deep-thinking conservative, a rare find in the world today. Given the sheer, deafening volume of clichéd-ridden garbage that seems to flow endlessly from the sewers of Hollywood, it seems almost impossible that a work of daring and mad brilliance could ever be produced in any corner of…

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  • The Alamo

    The Alamo

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    Jonny is starting to dislike history… If nothing else, The Alamo falsifies the theory that Dennis Quaid will only appear in movies with “good” scripts. Man, was this movie bad. I guess I need to get into the tediousness, the mendacity, how belabored the whole project was, but what I find stupefying is that supposedly…

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  • The Getaway (1972)

    The Getaway (1972)

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    Steve McQueen stars as Doc McCoy, a con who just can’t take being locked up anymore, especially after the parole board rejects him.

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  • Gigli


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    I want to die.

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  • Spider-Man


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    Wow! I mean, fuck me and wow! Spider-Man is an amazing movie.

    Read more: Spider-Man
  • The Godfather Part 2

    The Godfather Part 2

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    There are three things in this life that I can recommend without the slightest bit of hesitation: finding a job that requires minimal effort, finding a spouse that can engage in spirited conversation, and, perhaps above all, watching The Godfather Part II on the big screen as it was intended.

    Read more: The Godfather Part 2
  • Ali


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    The funniest thing I heard about this movie was that Will Smith blamed Michael Mann for it’s commercial failure, which would be kind of like Dan Quayle blaming Pappa Bush for their loss to Clinton/Gore.

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