Month: October 2017
Mixing it up at the Poker Tables: Swimming with Fish
Category (ies):
Read more: Mixing it up at the Poker Tables: Swimming with FishPoker games can be a little daunting for newbies, especially when you’re coming up against assholes who’ve been playing the game for a long time. Too many entrenched players feel entitled to treat newbies with disrespect. But a word of caution is in order: its the newbies who are snapping at their heels and displacing…
NFL Week 7: You Knew What You Were Getting In For Edition
Read more: NFL Week 7: You Knew What You Were Getting In For EditionHey, it happens. Gotta handle the swings, that’s part of the process. Remember, a very famous man of the cloth once said that a mans gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it. We’ll be alright. Now, as is custom with most football gambling…
The Foreigner (2017)
Read more: The Foreigner (2017)Jackie Chan for the win. Of all the actors you’ve seen in a film or television, can you name one that appears to love their job more than Chan? You know when you hear he’s in a new movie, you are in. You don’t even need to know the title; just when the film opens…
Binge-Watch: Netflix’s Mindhunter
Read more: Binge-Watch: Netflix’s MindhunterA gloomy October weekend can only mean one thing: it’s time to curl up on the couch with a tasty beverage and get ready for a good, old-fashioned Binge-Watch! For this edition, I’ve just powered through all 10 episodes of Netflix’s new psychological thriller series, Mindhunter. Let me just get this out there right now:…
The Foreigner (2017)
Read more: The Foreigner (2017)Film Review- The Foreigner (2017) Fair Value of The Foreigner: $5.00. It’s worth watching on the in-flight movie, but there’s little that’s memorable about this film. Is This Film Worth My Time? The Foreigner is a taut and engaging mixture of vigilante action and espionage. It’s one of the better, more well assembled examples of…
Blade Runner 2049
Read more: Blade Runner 2049Film Review- Blade Runner 2049 2hrs 34 minutes, R for graphic violence and nudity Fair Value of Blade Runner 2049: $24. Easily worth multiple viewings, with elaborate scenes and gorgeous visuals making an IMAX premium justifiable. A worthy successor to the classic that invented Cyberpunk. Future Parables Must Be Coded in Chrome and Holograms: To…
It (2017)
Read more: It (2017)Film Review- It (2017) 2 hours 15 minutes, R for multiple child maiming. Fair Value of It: $20. I’m going to go back for another screening when I can find a cheap seat. Autobio for the Longform: Georgie Denbrough has always been one of the reasons why I hate the name George. Hes the iconic…
NFL Week 5: Yes, it’s already Week 5 Edition
Read more: NFL Week 5: Yes, it’s already Week 5 EditionRats in the cellar! The dreaded double deuce! Dot cinco goose-eggs. The worst of it is that I thought we were rolling early on, too. We nailed the Saints v. Dolphins game in London, even predicting the ugly nature of the whole affair. I didn’t see it obviously, because no one not addicted to cocaine…
American Made
Read more: American MadeThis actually happened. If the only thing you think of when you hear the word contra is up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-b-a-select-start, youre not alone. Even with as much history as I consume, I still haven’t jumped into the events of the late 1970s and early 1980s involving the Central and South American rebels and their U.S. backing. But,…