Category: 80s Action
Sudden Impact (1983)
Read more: Sudden Impact (1983)Revenge is best served with a comically farting dog.
Maniac Cop (1988)
Read more: Maniac Cop (1988)“Make it bigger than AIDS!” If a line of dialogue ever locked in a movie at the dead center of Reagan’s America, it’s that one. Once it hits, like that late-night slip into a warm bath, you know you’re home. Safe and sound, naturally
80’s Action Hall of Fame: The Wine Bottle, Death Wish 4: The Crackdown
Read more: 80’s Action Hall of Fame: The Wine Bottle, Death Wish 4: The CrackdownBy 1987, Paul Kersey was a shell of his former self. Sure, he hadn’t lost a step in terms of his desire to kill, nor his near-legendary taste for much younger women, but he was getting lazy. Incredibly lazy. Would the Paul of yore have resorted to MacGyver methods when a gun barrel to the…
40 Years of Death Wish 3: A Celebration
Read more: 40 Years of Death Wish 3: A CelebrationThe Summer of 1985. While I was spending six weeks in Indiana with my maniacal grandmother, learning that yes, a 12-year-old can indeed conjure up vivid fantasies of mass murder, director Michael Winner, via MGM and Golan-Globus, was putting the final touches on the greatest motion picture ever released.
80’s Action Hall of Fame: Toilet Man, Death Wish 3
Read more: 80’s Action Hall of Fame: Toilet Man, Death Wish 3There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think of him. He’s maybe 15-20 seconds of the total film, but he’s left me with 30+ years of memories. Dark thoughts. Often a nightmare or two. And then, a warmth washes over me
Total Recall (1990)
Read more: Total Recall (1990)Arnold was classic Arnold and he never disappoints us with his disdain for anything hetero. As the movie opened, he was naked, oiled and in bed with a very hot Sharon Stone on top of him, but he could not have cared less
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Read more: Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomBack in the 1980’s, Google didn’t exist; therefore, nobody knew the truth about anything.
Eight Wince-Inducing Moments in Movies*
Read more: Eight Wince-Inducing Moments in Movies*I was about fourteen when I first caught First Blood on home video, the perfect age to vicariously revel in such macho histrionics. Immediately afterwards, I ran outside, knocked the first motorcyclist I saw to the ground, and headed off for the woods
The Definitive Ranking of Rocky Fighters
Read more: The Definitive Ranking of Rocky FightersWe finally have definitive rankings determined by a prestigious panel of former champs, top writers and the sharpest handicappers from the world of boxing.
The Unsung: Freak 1, Death Wish (1974)
Read more: The Unsung: Freak 1, Death Wish (1974)He’s the one that started it all. Five films, a remake, and perhaps the entire ethos of 80’s Action. A single decision, on a crisp New York afternoon, unleashed the whirlwind.