Category: The ABCs
The ABC’s of BBQ: Smoking the Meat Edition
Read more: The ABC’s of BBQ: Smoking the Meat EditionSalivations 1:1 Verily,verily I say unto thee, an open flame shall not touch thy cooking flesh or thine days will be numbered before you are cast into the lake of ire. Goatesians 1:2-4 The only way to the BBQ is with the meat. It is blasphemous and very naughty in my wholly site for thou…
The ABC’s of Traveling: The Joys of Flying Edition
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The ABCsTag(s):
Read more: The ABC’s of Traveling: The Joys of Flying EditionAtlanta – Everyone has heard the old adage, “Even if you are traveling to Hell, you have to go through Atlanta first”. If you are flying in the Eastern part of The United States, this is an accurate assessment. Worse still is if you ever have to actually drive in Atlanta. Below is a picture…
The ABC’s of Animals Who Have Sexist Or Politically Incorrect Names
Read more: The ABC’s of Animals Who Have Sexist Or Politically Incorrect NamesAholes, Boobies, & Cocks -or- The ABC’s of Animals Who Have Sexist Or Politically Incorrect Names Aholes are silvery fish who live in the Indo-Pacific part of the world (near Hawaii). They spend their days swimming together in schools, but at night they go off to eat by themselves. I guess everyone needs some alone-time…
The ABC’s of Redneck Culture
Read more: The ABC’s of Redneck CultureAfter most wars, the vanquished get it, but not so in The South. What should be banners of shame and defeat are currently flown and worn with pride. Instead of a White Flag, the Stars and Bars are emblematic of this failed and decaying culture.
The ABC’s of Evangelical Christians
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The ABCsTag(s):
Read more: The ABC’s of Evangelical ChristiansCult-Everyone’s religion but yours, that’s a cult. Evangelicals hotly deny the thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but are outraged when someone denies the existence of theirs.
The ABC’s of Sales
Read more: The ABC’s of SalesFear-Fear is the very essence of sales. Everyone is afraid of someone and those individuals are also afraid of someone else.
The ABC’s Of The New Testament-Part 2: Analyzing Jesus Edition
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Read more: The ABC’s Of The New Testament-Part 2: Analyzing Jesus EditionMost Christians and many non-Christians have a perception of Jesus as a pacifist, a bringer of hope, and a teacher of humility. He was a healer and preached to help the poor and to love your neighbor. However, what do the verses in the New Testament actually reveal about this Jesus character?
The ABC’s of Midgets
Read more: The ABC’s of MidgetsInside the Lollipop Guild.
The ABC’s of Breakups
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The ABCsTag(s):
Read more: The ABC’s of BreakupsSex Memories: The only worthwhile wreckage from a dramatic split are those moments, etched in your gray matter, of tangled limbs, colliding…
The ABC’s of Hard Drugs
Read more: The ABC’s of Hard DrugsYou’ve stolen cars and held pistols to heads but now you’re groveling to an abusive counselor regarding a sleeve of Fig Newtons…